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ftofix(3alleg4) [osx man page]

ftofix(3alleg4) 						  Allegro manual						   ftofix(3alleg4)

ftofix - Converts a floating point value to fixed point. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> fixed ftofix(double x); DESCRIPTION
Converts a floating point value to fixed point. Unlike itofix(), this function clamps values which could overflow the type conversion, set- ting `errno' to ERANGE in the process if this happens. Example: fixed number; number = itofix(-40000); ASSERT(fixfloor(number) == -32768); number = itofix(64000); ASSERT(fixfloor(number) == 32767); ASSERT(!errno); /* This will fail. */ RETURN VALUE
Returns the value of the floating point value converted to fixed point clamping overflows (and setting `errno'). SEE ALSO
fixtof(3alleg4), itofix(3alleg4), fixtoi(3alleg4), exfixed(3alleg4), exrotscl(3alleg4), exspline(3alleg4), exupdate(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 ftofix(3alleg4)

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ftofix(3alleg4) 						  Allegro manual						   ftofix(3alleg4)

ftofix - Converts a floating point value to fixed point. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> fixed ftofix(double x); DESCRIPTION
Converts a floating point value to fixed point. Unlike itofix(), this function clamps values which could overflow the type conversion, set- ting `errno' to ERANGE in the process if this happens. Example: fixed number; number = itofix(-40000); ASSERT(fixfloor(number) == -32768); number = itofix(64000); ASSERT(fixfloor(number) == 32767); ASSERT(!errno); /* This will fail. */ RETURN VALUE
Returns the value of the floating point value converted to fixed point clamping overflows (and setting `errno'). SEE ALSO
fixtof(3alleg4), itofix(3alleg4), fixtoi(3alleg4), exfixed(3alleg4), exrotscl(3alleg4), exspline(3alleg4), exupdate(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 ftofix(3alleg4)
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