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y0(3) [osx man page]

J0(3)							   BSD Library Functions Manual 						     J0(3)

j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn -- bessel functions of first and second kind SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> double j0(double x); double j1(double x); double jn(int n, double x); double y0(double x); double y1(double x); double yn(int n, double x); DESCRIPTION
The functions j0(x) and j1(x) compute the Bessel function of the first kind of the order 0 and the order 1, respectively; the function jn(n, x) computes the Bessel function of the first kind of the integer order n. The functions y0(x) and y1(x) compute the linearly independent Bessel function of the second kind of the order 0 and the order 1, respec- tively, for the positive integer value x (expressed as a double); the function yn(n, x) computes the Bessel function of the second kind for the integer order n for the positive integer value x (expressed as a double). SPECIAL VALUES
j0(0) returns 1. j0(+-infinity) returns 0. j0(NaN) returns a NaN. j1(0) returns 0. j1(+infinity) returns 0. j1(NaN) returns a NaN. y0(0) , y1(0) , and yn(n, 0) all return -infinity and raise the "division-by-zero" floating-point flag. 4th Berkeley Distribution December 11, 2006 4th Berkeley Distribution

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J0(3)							   BSD Library Functions Manual 						     J0(3)

j0, j1, jn, y0, y1, yn -- bessel functions of first and second kind SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> double j0(double x); double j1(double x); double jn(int n, double x); double y0(double x); double y1(double x); double yn(int n, double x); DESCRIPTION
The functions j0(x) and j1(x) compute the Bessel function of the first kind of the order 0 and the order 1, respectively; the function jn(n, x) computes the Bessel function of the first kind of the integer order n. The functions y0(x) and y1(x) compute the linearly independent Bessel function of the second kind of the order 0 and the order 1, respec- tively, for the positive integer value x (expressed as a double); the function yn(n, x) computes the Bessel function of the second kind for the integer order n for the positive integer value x (expressed as a double). SPECIAL VALUES
j0(0) returns 1. j0(+-infinity) returns 0. j0(NaN) returns a NaN. j1(0) returns 0. j1(+infinity) returns 0. j1(NaN) returns a NaN. y0(0) , y1(0) , and yn(n, 0) all return -infinity and raise the "division-by-zero" floating-point flag. 4th Berkeley Distribution December 11, 2006 4th Berkeley Distribution
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