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xml::sax::expat(3) [osx man page]

Expat(3)						User Contributed Perl Documentation						  Expat(3)

XML::SAX::Expat - SAX2 Driver for Expat (XML::Parser) SYNOPSIS
use XML::SAX::Expat; use XML::SAX::MyFooHandler; my $h = XML::SAX::MyFooHandler->new; my $p = XML::SAX::Expat->new(Handler => $h); $p->parse_file('/path/to/foo.xml'); DESCRIPTION
This is an implementation of a SAX2 driver sitting on top of Expat (XML::Parser) which Ken MacLeod posted to perl-xml and which I have updated. It is still incomplete, though most of the basic SAX2 events should be available. The SAX2 spec is currently available from A more friendly URL as well as a PODification of the spec are in the works. METHODS
The methods defined in this class correspond to those listed in the PerlSAX2 specification, available above. FEATURES AND CAVEATS
supported_features Returns: * * * [ Features supported by ancestors ] Turning one of the first two on also turns the other on (this maps to the XML::Parser ParseParamEnts option). This may be fixed in the future, so don't rely on this behaviour. MISSING PARTS
XML::Parser has no listed callbacks for the following events, which are therefore not presently generated (ways may be found in the future): * ignorable_whitespace * skipped_entity * start_entity / end_entity * resolve_entity Ways of signalling them are welcome. In addition to those, set_document_locator is not yet called. TODO
- reuse Ken's tests and add more AUTHOR
Robin Berjon; stolen from Ken Macleod,, and with suggestions and feedback from perl-xml. Currently maintained by Bjoern Hoehrmann <>. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Robin Berjon. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO
XML::Parser::PerlSAX perl v5.16.2 2008-06-30 Expat(3)

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XML::SAX::ExpatXS(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				    XML::SAX::ExpatXS(3pm)

XML::SAX::ExpatXS - Perl SAX 2 XS extension to Expat parser SYNOPSIS
use XML::SAX::ExpatXS; $handler = MyHandler->new(); $parser = XML::SAX::ExpatXS->new( Handler => $handler ); $parser->parse_uri($uri); #or $parser->parse_string($xml); DESCRIPTION
XML::SAX::ExpatXS is a direct XS extension to Expat XML parser. It implements Perl SAX 2.1 interface. See for Perl SAX API description. Any deviations from the Perl SAX 2.1 specification are considered as bugs. Features The parser behavior can be changed by setting features. $parser->set_feature(FEATURE, VALUE); XML::SAX::ExpatXS provides these adjustable features: "" Consequent character data are joined (1, default) or not(0). "" Namespace attributes are reported as common attributes (1, default) or not(0). "" When set on, xmlns and xmlns:* attributes are put into namespaces in a Perl SAX traditional way; xmlns attributes are in no namespace while xmlns:* attributes are in the "" namespace. This feature is set to 1 by default. "" This feature applies if and only if the "" feature is off. Then, xmlns and xmlns:* attributes are both put into no namespace (0, default) or into "" namespace(1). "" The document locator is updated (1, default) for ContentHadler events or not(0). "" A recognized string (the text string currently processed by this XML parser) is either maintained as $parser->{ParseOptions}{RecognizedString} (1) or not (0, default). "" Controls whether this parser processes external general entities (1, default) or not(0). "" Controls whether this parser processes external parameter entities including an external DTD subset(1) or not (0, default). Constructor Options Apart from features, the behavior of this parser can also be changed with options to the constructor. ParseParamEnt ParseParamEnt => 1 This option meaning is exactly the same as the "" feature. The option is supported only because of the compatibility with older versions of this module. Turned off by default. NoExpand NoExpand => 1 No internal entities are expanded if this option is turned on. Turned off by default. Read-only Properties ExpatVersion This property returns a version of linked Expat library, for example expat_1.95.7. AUTHORS
Petr Cimprich <petr AT gingerall DOT org> (maintainer) Matt Sergeant <matt AT sergeant DOT org> perl v5.14.2 2011-04-12 XML::SAX::ExpatXS(3pm)
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