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xml::libxml::xpathexpression(3) [osx man page]

XML::LibXML::XPathExpression(3) 			User Contributed Perl Documentation			   XML::LibXML::XPathExpression(3)

XML::LibXML::XPathExpression - XML::LibXML::XPathExpression - interface to libxml2 pre-compiled XPath expressions SYNOPSIS
use XML::LibXML; my $compiled_xpath = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('//foo[@bar="baz"][position()<4]'); # interface from XML::LibXML::Node my $result = $node->find($compiled_xpath); my @nodes = $node->findnodes($compiled_xpath); my $value = $node->findvalue($compiled_xpath); # interface from XML::LibXML::XPathContext my $result = $xpc->find($compiled_xpath,$node); my @nodes = $xpc->findnodes($compiled_xpath,$node); my $value = $xpc->findvalue($compiled_xpath,$node); $compiled = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new( xpath_string ); DESCRIPTION
This is a perl interface to libxml2's pre-compiled XPath expressions. Pre-compiling an XPath expression can give in some performance benefit if the same XPath query is evaluated many times. "XML::LibXML::XPathExpression" objects can be passed to all "find..." functions "XML::LibXML" that expect an XPath expression. new() $compiled = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new( xpath_string ); The constructor takes an XPath 1.0 expression as a string and returns an object representing the pre-compiled expressions (the actual data structure is internal to libxml2). AUTHORS
Matt Sergeant, Christian Glahn, Petr Pajas VERSION
2001-2007, Ltd. 2002-2006, Christian Glahn. 2006-2009, Petr Pajas. perl v5.16.2 2012-10-22 XML::LibXML::XPathExpression(3)

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XML::LibXML::XPathExpression(3) 			User Contributed Perl Documentation			   XML::LibXML::XPathExpression(3)

XML::LibXML::XPathExpression - XML::LibXML::XPathExpression - interface to libxml2 pre-compiled XPath expressions SYNOPSIS
use XML::LibXML; my $compiled_xpath = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('//foo[@bar="baz"][position()<4]'); # interface from XML::LibXML::Node my $result = $node->find($compiled_xpath); my @nodes = $node->findnodes($compiled_xpath); my $value = $node->findvalue($compiled_xpath); # interface from XML::LibXML::XPathContext my $result = $xpc->find($compiled_xpath,$node); my @nodes = $xpc->findnodes($compiled_xpath,$node); my $value = $xpc->findvalue($compiled_xpath,$node); $compiled = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new( xpath_string ); DESCRIPTION
This is a perl interface to libxml2's pre-compiled XPath expressions. Pre-compiling an XPath expression can give in some performance benefit if the same XPath query is evaluated many times. "XML::LibXML::XPathExpression" objects can be passed to all "find..." functions "XML::LibXML" that expect an XPath expression. new() $compiled = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new( xpath_string ); The constructor takes an XPath 1.0 expression as a string and returns an object representing the pre-compiled expressions (the actual data structure is internal to libxml2). AUTHORS
Matt Sergeant, Christian Glahn, Petr Pajas VERSION
2001-2007, Ltd. 2002-2006, Christian Glahn. 2006-2009, Petr Pajas. perl v5.16.3 2013-05-13 XML::LibXML::XPathExpression(3)
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