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xml::libxml::dtd(3) [osx man page]

XML::LibXML::Dtd(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				       XML::LibXML::Dtd(3)

use XML::LibXML; $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->new($public_id, $system_id); $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->parse_string($dtd_str); $publicId = $dtd->getName(); $publicId = $dtd->publicId(); $systemId = $dtd->systemId(); DESCRIPTION
This class holds a DTD. You may parse a DTD from either a string, or from an external SYSTEM identifier. No support is available as yet for parsing from a filehandle. XML::LibXML::Dtd is a sub-class of XML::LibXML::Node, so all the methods available to nodes (particularly toString()) are available to Dtd objects. METHODS
new $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->new($public_id, $system_id); Parse a DTD from the system identifier, and return a DTD object that you can pass to $doc->is_valid() or $doc->validate(). my $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->new( "SOME // Public / ID / 1.0", "test.dtd" ); my $doc = XML::LibXML->new->parse_file("test.xml"); $doc->validate($dtd); parse_string $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->parse_string($dtd_str); The same as new() above, except you can parse a DTD from a string. Note that parsing from string may fail if the DTD contains external parametric-entity references with relative URLs. getName $publicId = $dtd->getName(); Returns the name of DTD; i.e., the name immediately following the DOCTYPE keyword. publicId $publicId = $dtd->publicId(); Returns the public identifier of the external subset. systemId $systemId = $dtd->systemId(); Returns the system identifier of the external subset. AUTHORS
Matt Sergeant, Christian Glahn, Petr Pajas VERSION
2001-2007, Ltd. 2002-2006, Christian Glahn. 2006-2009, Petr Pajas. perl v5.16.2 2012-10-22 XML::LibXML::Dtd(3)

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XML::LibXML::Dtd(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				       XML::LibXML::Dtd(3)

use XML::LibXML; $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->new($public_id, $system_id); $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->parse_string($dtd_str); $publicId = $dtd->getName(); $publicId = $dtd->publicId(); $systemId = $dtd->systemId(); DESCRIPTION
This class holds a DTD. You may parse a DTD from either a string, or from an external SYSTEM identifier. No support is available as yet for parsing from a filehandle. XML::LibXML::Dtd is a sub-class of XML::LibXML::Node, so all the methods available to nodes (particularly toString()) are available to Dtd objects. METHODS
new $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->new($public_id, $system_id); Parse a DTD from the system identifier, and return a DTD object that you can pass to $doc->is_valid() or $doc->validate(). my $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->new( "SOME // Public / ID / 1.0", "test.dtd" ); my $doc = XML::LibXML->new->parse_file("test.xml"); $doc->validate($dtd); parse_string $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->parse_string($dtd_str); The same as new() above, except you can parse a DTD from a string. Note that parsing from string may fail if the DTD contains external parametric-entity references with relative URLs. getName $publicId = $dtd->getName(); Returns the name of DTD; i.e., the name immediately following the DOCTYPE keyword. publicId $publicId = $dtd->publicId(); Returns the public identifier of the external subset. systemId $systemId = $dtd->systemId(); Returns the system identifier of the external subset. AUTHORS
Matt Sergeant, Christian Glahn, Petr Pajas VERSION
2001-2007, Ltd. 2002-2006, Christian Glahn. 2006-2009, Petr Pajas. LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.18.2 2014-02-01 XML::LibXML::Dtd(3)
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