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build::Wx::build::MakeMaker(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			    build::Wx::build::MakeMaker(3)

Wx::build::MakeMaker - ExtUtils::MakeMaker specialisation for wxPerl modules SYNOPSIS
use Wx::build::MakeMaker; wxWriteMakefile( NAME => 'My::Module', VERSION_FROM => '' ); FUNCTIONS
wxWriteMakefile wxWriteMakefile( arameter => value, ... ); This functions is meant to be used exactly as ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile (see). It accepts all WriteMakefile's parameters, plus: o WX_CORE_LIB WX_CORE_LIB => 'xrc core base' link libraries from wxWidgets' core or contrib directory. If not spedified, defaults to 'adv html core net base' for compatibility. o WX_LIB WX_LIB => '-lxrc' Link additional libraries from wxWidgets' contrib directory. o REQUIRE_WX REQUIRE_WX => 2.003002 # wxWidgets 2.3.2 Do not build this module if wxWidgets' version is lower than the version specified. o NO_WX_PLATFORMS NO_WX_PLATFORMS => [ 'x11', 'msw' ] Do not build this module on the specified platform(s). o ON_WX_PLATFORMs ON_WX_PLATFORMS => [ 'gtk' ] only build this module on the specified platform(s). PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
These functions are here for reference, do not use them. is_core if( is_core ) { ... } True if it is building the wxPerl core (Wx.dll), false otherwise. is_wxPerl_tree if( is_wxPerl_tree ) { ... } True if it is building any part of wxPerl, false otherwise. set_hook_package Wx::build::MakeMaker::set_hook_package( 'package_name' ); Package to be hooked into the MakeMaker inheritance chain. METHODS
get_api_directory my $dir = $cfg->get_api_directory; get_arch_directory my $dir = $cfg->get_arch_directory; perl v5.10.0 2008-08-05 build::Wx::build::MakeMaker(3)

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Datum::MakeMaker(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     Datum::MakeMaker(3pm)

Carp::Datum::MakeMaker - Offer to strip Carp::Datum calls statically SYNOPSIS
# Put this at the top of the Makefile.PL for your module use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # you may omit this line use Carp::Datum::MakeMaker; DESCRIPTION
The "Carp::Datum::MakeMaker" module supersedes the regular WriteMakefile() routine of "ExtUtils::MakeMaker". When running the Makefile.PL from a module interactively, the user will be asked whether calls to "Carp::Datum" should be stripped at build time. By default, or when running non-interactively, most calls to Carp::Datum routines will be removed: the "datum_strip" program will be invoked to filter *.pm files during the build process. This program is a mere wrapper for the datum_strip() routine, defined in "Carp::Datum::Strip". The only call that will not be stripped is the DTRACE() call. However, it will be dynamically remapped to a "Log::Agent" call. It cannot be statically remapped because of its baroque interface. At the top of Makefile.PL, insert use Carp::Datum::MakeMaker; which will take care of loading "ExtUtils::MakeMaker". Note that it makes sense to refer to this module, since "Carp::Datum" is being used internally, and therefore the user will not be able to install the module if they do not have "Carp::Datum" already installed. If you wish to be nicer about "Carp::Datum" not being installed, you can say instead: use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; eval "use Carp::Datum::MakeMaker;"; WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => "Your::module::name", 'PREREQ_PM' => { 'Carp::Datum' => '0.100', }, ); It will allow them to run the Makefile.PL, and yet be reminded about the missing "Carp::Datum" module. Chances are they won't be able to go much farther though... AUTHORS
Christophe Dehaudt and Raphael Manfredi are the original authors. Send bug reports, hints, tips, suggestions to Dave Hoover at <>. SEE ALSO
Carp::Datum::Strip(3), ExtUtils::MakeMaker(3). perl v5.10.0 2006-04-13 Datum::MakeMaker(3pm)
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