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Test::Deep::NoTest(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     Test::Deep::NoTest(3)

Test::Deep::NoTest - Use Test::Deep outside of the testing framework SYNOPSIS
use Test::Deep::NoTest; if eq_deeply($a, $b) { print "they were deeply equal "; }; DESCRIPTION
This exports all the same things as Test::Deep but it does not load Test::Builder so it can be used in ordinary non-test situations. perl v5.16.2 2012-02-10 Test::Deep::NoTest(3)

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Test::Assertions::TestScript(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation			 Test::Assertions::TestScript(3pm)

Test::Assertions::TestScript - Base for test scripts SYNOPSIS
use Test::Assertions::TestScript; use Module::To::Test qw( frobnicate ); ASSERT(frobnicate(),"Frobnicate returns true"); DESCRIPTION
Test::Assertions::TestScript provides a base for writing test scripts. It performs some common actions such as setting up the @INC path and parsing command-line options, specifically: o The lib and t/lib directories are added to @INC. o The current directory is changed to the directory the script is in. o Test script command-line options are parsed. (See "COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS") o The test set of functions from Test::Assertions are imported into your test script. Test::Assertions::TestScript makes certain assumptions about the filesystem layout of your project: o Modules that you are testing are in the lib directory of your project. o Test scripts are in the t directory. o There may also be a t/lib directory for any modules written for the test process. Test::Assertions::TestScript should be "use"d before any modules that you intend to test. OPTIONS
Options can be supplied to the import function. These should be placed after the "use" or "import". For example use Test::Assertions::TestScript( tests => 10, options => { 'b', $opt_b }) The following options are defined: tests The number of tests to pass to "plan tests" from Test::Assertions. For example to tell Test::Assertions::TestScript that the script contains 42 tests: use Test::Assertions::TestScript tests => 42; options A hashref of additional options to capture via Getopt::Long. The "options" import parameter is passed verbatim to GetOptions, so something along the following lines is required in order to capture the "-b" command line option: use Test::Assertions::TestScript( options => { 'b' => $opt_b } ); COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS A script based on Test::Assertions::TestScript will detect the following command line options. -t Shallow tracing. Traces are "print"ed and AutoImport is turned on. -T Deep tracing. Traces are "print"ed and AutoImport is turned on. --trace-module=MODULE Imports tracing into MODULE specifically. Can be specified multiple times. -s Save generated output. You will need to write the actual code to do this in your testscript, but you can inspect $Test::Assertions::TestScript::SAVE_OUTPUT to see whether this argument was given. Be aware that all other command line options will be disregarded unless the "options" import parameter is used to capture them. VERSION
$Revision: 1.18 $ AUTHOR
Colin Robertson <cpan _at_ bbc _dot_ co _dot_ uk> COPYRIGHT
(c) BBC 2005-6. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GNU GPL. See the file COPYING in this distribution, or perl v5.10.0 2006-08-10 Test::Assertions::TestScript(3pm)
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