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tcl_deleteclosehandler(3) [osx man page]

Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(3)				      Tcl Library Procedures					 Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(3)


Tcl_CreateCloseHandler, Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler - arrange for callbacks when channels are closed SYNOPSIS
#include <tcl.h> void Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(channel, proc, clientData) void Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler(channel, proc, clientData) ARGUMENTS
Tcl_Channel channel (in) The channel for which to create or delete a close callback. Tcl_CloseProc *proc (in) The procedure to call as the callback. ClientData clientData (in) Arbitrary one-word value to pass to proc. _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
Tcl_CreateCloseHandler arranges for proc to be called when channel is closed with Tcl_Close or Tcl_UnregisterChannel, or using the Tcl close command. Proc should match the following prototype: typedef void Tcl_CloseProc( ClientData clientData); The clientData is the same as the value provided in the call to Tcl_CreateCloseHandler. Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler removes a close callback for channel. The proc and clientData identify which close callback to remove; Tcl_Delete- CloseHandler does nothing if its proc and clientData arguments do not match the proc and clientData for a close handler for channel. SEE ALSO
close(n), Tcl_Close(3), Tcl_UnregisterChannel(3) KEYWORDS
callback, channel closing Tcl 7.5 Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(3)				      Tcl Library Procedures					 Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(3)


Tcl_CreateCloseHandler, Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler - arrange for callbacks when channels are closed SYNOPSIS
#include <tcl.h> void Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(channel, proc, clientData) void Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler(channel, proc, clientData) ARGUMENTS
Tcl_Channel channel (in) The channel for which to create or delete a close callback. Tcl_CloseProc *proc (in) The procedure to call as the callback. ClientData clientData (in) Arbitrary one-word value to pass to proc. _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
Tcl_CreateCloseHandler arranges for proc to be called when channel is closed with Tcl_Close or Tcl_UnregisterChannel, or using the Tcl close command. Proc should match the following prototype: typedef void Tcl_CloseProc( ClientData clientData); The clientData is the same as the value provided in the call to Tcl_CreateCloseHandler. Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler removes a close callback for channel. The proc and clientData identify which close callback to remove; Tcl_Delete- CloseHandler does nothing if its proc and clientData arguments do not match the proc and clientData for a close handler for channel. SEE ALSO
close(n), Tcl_Close(3), Tcl_UnregisterChannel(3) KEYWORDS
callback, channel closing Tcl 7.5 Tcl_CreateCloseHandler(3)
Man Page

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