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svk::log::filter::xml(3) [osx man page]

SVK::Log::Filter::XML(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				  SVK::Log::Filter::XML(3)

SVK::Log::Filter::XML - display log messages in XML format SYNOPSIS
> svk log --xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <log> <logentry revision="1234" original="456"> <author>author</author> <date>2006-05-16T15:43:28.889532Z</date> <msg>This is the commit message for the revision.</msg> </logentry> </log> > svk log --output xml ... DESCRIPTION
The XML filter is an output filter for displaying log messages in XML format. The organization of the XML format should be self- explanatory after a little experimentation. The format is designed to be compatible with Subversion's XML output, so you should be able to use tools like <> without any modification. However, since SVK supports arbitary log filters (see SVK::Log::Filter for details on writing one), it may be easier to write your own output format than to process the XML. This filter is invoked implicitly when you specify the "--xml" argument to SVK's log command. Two arguments to the log command modify XML's behavior. quiet Providing this command-line option to the log command prevents the XML filter from displaying the contents of the log message. All other information is displayed as usual. verbose Providing this command-line option to the log command makes the XML filter display history information for each revision. The history includes the kind of modification (modify, add, delete) and any copy history for each path that was modified in the revision. STASH
/PROPERTY MODIFICATIONS XML leaves all properties and the stash intact. perl v5.10.0 2008-08-04 SVK::Log::Filter::XML(3)

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XML::SAX::Pipeline(3pm) 				User Contributed Perl Documentation				   XML::SAX::Pipeline(3pm)

XML::SAX::Pipeline - Manage a linear pipeline of SAX processors SYNOPSIS
use XML::SAX::Machines qw( Pipeline ); ## Most common way use XML::Fitler::Foo; my $m = Pipeline( XML::Filter::Foo->new, ## Create it manually "XML::Filter::Bar", ## Or let Pipeline load & create it "XML::Filter::Baz", { ## Normal options Handler => $h, } ); ## To choose the default parser automatically if XML::Filter::Foo ## does not implement a parse_file method, just pretend the Pipeline ## is a parser: $m->parse_file( "blah" ); ## To feed the pipeline from an upstream processor, treat it like ## any other SAX filter: my $p = Some::SAX::Generator->new( Handler => $m ); ## To read a file or the output from a subprocess: my $m = Pipeline( "<infile.txt" ); my $m = Pipeline( "spew_xml |" ); ## To send output to a file handle, file, or process: my $m = Pipeline( ..., *STDOUT ); my $m = Pipeline( ..., ">outfile.txt" ); my $m = Pipeline( ..., "| xmllint --format -" ); DESCRIPTION
An XML::SAX::Pipeline is a linear sequence SAX processors. Events passed to the pipeline are received by the "Intake" end of the pipeline and the last filter to process events in the pipeline passes the events out the "Exhaust" to the filter set as the pipeline's handler: +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | An XML:SAX::Pipeline | | Intake | | +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ Exhaust | --+-->| Stage_0 |--->| Stage_1 |-->...-->| Stage_N |----------+-----> | +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ As with all SAX machines, a pipeline can also create an ad hoc parser (using XML::SAX::ParserFactory) if you ask it to parse something and the first SAX processer in the pipeline can't handle a parse request: +-------------------------------------------------------+ | An XML:SAX::Pipeline | | Intake | | +--------+ +---------+ +---------+ Exhaust | | | Parser |-->| Stage_0 |-->...-->| Stage_N |----------+-----> | +--------+ +---------+ +---------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------+ or if you specify an input file like so: my $m = Pipeline(qw( <input_file.xml XML::Filter::Bar XML::Filter::Baz )); Pipelines (and machines) can also create ad hoc XML::SAX::Writer instances when you specify an output file handle (as shown in the SYNOPSIS) or an output file: my $m = Pipeline(qw( XML::Filter::Bar XML::Filter::Baz >output_file.xml )); And, thanks to Perl's magic open (see perlopentut), you can read and write from processes: my $m = Pipeline( " |", "XML::Filter::Bar", "XML::Filter::Baz", "|", ); This can be used with an XML::SAX::Tap to place a handy debugging tap in a pipeline (or other machine): my $m = Pipeline( "<input_file.xml" "XML::Filter::Bar", Tap( "| xmllint --format -" ), "XML::Filter::Baz", ">output_file.xml", ); METHODS
See XML::SAX::Machine for most of the methods. new my $pipeline = XML::SAX::Pipeline->new( @processors, \%options ); Creates a pipeline and links all of the given processors together. Longhand for Pipeline(). AUTHOR
Barrie Slaymaker <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2002, Barrie Slaymaker, All Rights Reserved. You may use this module under the terms of the Artistic, GNU Public, or BSD licenses, your choice. perl v5.10.0 2009-06-11 XML::SAX::Pipeline(3pm)
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