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strmode(3) [osx man page]

STRMODE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						STRMODE(3)

strmode -- convert inode status information into a symbolic string LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <string.h> void strmode(int mode, char *bp); DESCRIPTION
The strmode() function converts a file mode (the type and permission information associated with an inode, see stat(2)) into a symbolic string which is stored in the location referenced by bp. This stored string is eleven characters in length plus a trailing NUL. The first character is the inode type, and will be one of the following: - regular file b block special c character special d directory l symbolic link p fifo s socket w whiteout ? unknown inode type The next nine characters encode three sets of permissions, in three characters each. The first three characters are the permissions for the owner of the file, the second three for the group the file belongs to, and the third for the ``other'', or default, set of users. Permission checking is done as specifically as possible. If read permission is denied to the owner of a file in the first set of permis- sions, the owner of the file will not be able to read the file. This is true even if the owner is in the file's group and the group permis- sions allow reading or the ``other'' permissions allow reading. If the first character of the three character set is an ``r'', the file is readable for that set of users; if a dash ``-'', it is not read- able. If the second character of the three character set is a ``w'', the file is writable for that set of users; if a dash ``-'', it is not writable. The third character is the first of the following characters that apply: S If the character is part of the owner permissions and the file is not executable or the directory is not searchable by the owner, and the set-user-id bit is set. S If the character is part of the group permissions and the file is not executable or the directory is not searchable by the group, and the set-group-id bit is set. T If the character is part of the other permissions and the file is not executable or the directory is not searchable by others, and the ``sticky'' (S_ISVTX) bit is set. s If the character is part of the owner permissions and the file is executable or the directory searchable by the owner, and the set- user-id bit is set. s If the character is part of the group permissions and the file is executable or the directory searchable by the group, and the set- group-id bit is set. t If the character is part of the other permissions and the file is executable or the directory searchable by others, and the ``sticky'' (S_ISVTX) bit is set. x The file is executable or the directory is searchable. - None of the above apply. The last character will always be a space. SEE ALSO
chmod(1), find(1), stat(2), getmode(3), setmode(3) HISTORY
The strmode() function first appeared in 4.4BSD. BSD
July 28, 1994 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

CHMOD(1)						      General Commands Manual							  CHMOD(1)

chmod - change mode SYNOPSIS
chmod [ -Rf ] mode file ... DESCRIPTION
The mode of each named file is changed according to mode, which may be absolute or symbolic. An absolute mode is an octal number con- structed from the OR of the following modes: 4000 set user ID on execution 2000 set group ID on execution 1000 sticky bit, see chmod(2) 0400 read by owner 0200 write by owner 0100 execute (search in directory) by owner 0070 read, write, execute (search) by group 0007 read, write, execute (search) by others A symbolic mode has the form: [who] op permission [op permission] ... The who part is a combination of the letters u (for user's permissions), g (group) and o (other). The letter a stands for all, or ugo. If who is omitted, the default is a but the setting of the file creation mask (see umask(2)) is taken into account. Op can be + to add permission to the file's mode, - to take away permission and = to assign permission absolutely (all other bits will be reset). Permission is any combination of the letters r (read), w (write), x (execute), X (set execute only if file is a directory or some other execute bit is set), s (set owner or group id) and t (save text - sticky). Letters u, g, or o indicate that permission is to be taken from the current mode. Omitting permission is only useful with = to take away all permissions. When the -R option is given, chmod recursively descends its directory arguments setting the mode for each file as described above. When symbolic links are encountered, their mode is not changed and they are not traversed. If the -f option is given, chmod will not complain if it fails to change the mode on a file. EXAMPLES
The first example denies write permission to others, the second makes a file executable by all if it is executable by anyone: chmod o-w file chmod +X file Multiple symbolic modes separated by commas may be given. Operations are performed in the order specified. The letter s is only useful with u or g. Only the owner of a file (or the super-user) may change its mode. SEE ALSO
ls(1), chmod(2), stat(2), umask(2), chown(8) 7th Edition May 22, 1986 CHMOD(1)
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