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string::rewriteprefix(3) [osx man page]

String::RewritePrefix(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				  String::RewritePrefix(3)

String::RewritePrefix - rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes VERSION
version 0.006 SYNOPSIS
use String::RewritePrefix; my @to_load = String::RewritePrefix->rewrite( { '' => 'MyApp::', '+' => '' }, qw(Plugin Mixin Addon +Corporate::Thinger), ); # now you have: qw(MyApp::Plugin MyApp::Mixin MyApp::Addon Corporate::Thinger) You can also import a rewrite routine: use String::RewritePrefix rewrite => { -as => 'rewrite_dt_prefix', prefixes => { '' => 'MyApp::', '+' => '' }, }; my @to_load = rewrite_dt_prefix( qw(Plugin Mixin Addon +Corporate::Thinger)); # now you have: qw(MyApp::Plugin MyApp::Mixin MyApp::Addon Corporate::Thinger) METHODS
rewrite String::RewritePrefix->rewrite(\%prefix, @strings); This rewrites all the given strings using the rules in %prefix. Its keys are known prefixes for which its values will be substituted. This is performed in longest-first order, and only one prefix will be rewritten. If the prefix value is a coderef, it will be executed with the remaining string as its only argument. The return value will be used as the prefix. AUTHOR
This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Ricardo Signes. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.16.2 2010-10-25 String::RewritePrefix(3)

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String::RewritePrefix(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				String::RewritePrefix(3pm)

String::RewritePrefix - rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes VERSION
version 0.006 SYNOPSIS
use String::RewritePrefix; my @to_load = String::RewritePrefix->rewrite( { '' => 'MyApp::', '+' => '' }, qw(Plugin Mixin Addon +Corporate::Thinger), ); # now you have: qw(MyApp::Plugin MyApp::Mixin MyApp::Addon Corporate::Thinger) You can also import a rewrite routine: use String::RewritePrefix rewrite => { -as => 'rewrite_dt_prefix', prefixes => { '' => 'MyApp::', '+' => '' }, }; my @to_load = rewrite_dt_prefix( qw(Plugin Mixin Addon +Corporate::Thinger)); # now you have: qw(MyApp::Plugin MyApp::Mixin MyApp::Addon Corporate::Thinger) METHODS
rewrite String::RewritePrefix->rewrite(\%prefix, @strings); This rewrites all the given strings using the rules in %prefix. Its keys are known prefixes for which its values will be substituted. This is performed in longest-first order, and only one prefix will be rewritten. If the prefix value is a coderef, it will be executed with the remaining string as its only argument. The return value will be used as the prefix. AUTHOR
This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Ricardo Signes. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.10.1 2010-10-25 String::RewritePrefix(3pm)
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