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ssl_set_session(3) [osx man page]

SSL_set_session(3)						      OpenSSL							SSL_set_session(3)

SSL_set_session - set a TLS/SSL session to be used during TLS/SSL connect SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/ssl.h> int SSL_set_session(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session); DESCRIPTION
SSL_set_session() sets session to be used when the TLS/SSL connection is to be established. SSL_set_session() is only useful for TLS/SSL clients. When the session is set, the reference count of session is incremented by 1. If the session is not reused, the reference count is decremented again during SSL_connect(). Whether the session was reused can be queried with the SSL_session_reused(3) call. If there is already a session set inside ssl (because it was set with SSL_set_session() before or because the same ssl was already used for a connection), SSL_SESSION_free() will be called for that session. NOTES
SSL_SESSION objects keep internal link information about the session cache list, when being inserted into one SSL_CTX object's session cache. One SSL_SESSION object, regardless of its reference count, must therefore only be used with one SSL_CTX object (and the SSL objects created from this SSL_CTX object). RETURN VALUES
The following return values can occur: 0 The operation failed; check the error stack to find out the reason. 1 The operation succeeded. SEE ALSO
ssl(3), SSL_SESSION_free(3), SSL_get_session(3), SSL_session_reused(3), SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(3) 50 2013-03-05 SSL_set_session(3)

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SSL_set_session(3)						      OpenSSL							SSL_set_session(3)

SSL_set_session - set a TLS/SSL session to be used during TLS/SSL connect SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/ssl.h> int SSL_set_session(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session); DESCRIPTION
SSL_set_session() sets session to be used when the TLS/SSL connection is to be established. SSL_set_session() is only useful for TLS/SSL clients. When the session is set, the reference count of session is incremented by 1. If the session is not reused, the reference count is decremented again during SSL_connect(). Whether the session was reused can be queried with the SSL_session_reused(3) call. If there is already a session set inside ssl (because it was set with SSL_set_session() before or because the same ssl was already used for a connection), SSL_SESSION_free() will be called for that session. NOTES
SSL_SESSION objects keep internal link information about the session cache list, when being inserted into one SSL_CTX object's session cache. One SSL_SESSION object, regardless of its reference count, must therefore only be used with one SSL_CTX object (and the SSL objects created from this SSL_CTX object). RETURN VALUES
The following return values can occur: 0 The operation failed; check the error stack to find out the reason. 1 The operation succeeded. SEE ALSO
ssl(3), SSL_SESSION_free(3), SSL_get_session(3), SSL_session_reused(3), SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(3) 0.9.7a 2001-10-12 SSL_set_session(3)
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