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setprogname(3) [osx man page]

GETPROGNAME(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					    GETPROGNAME(3)

getprogname, setprogname -- get or set the program name LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <stdlib.h> const char * getprogname(void); void setprogname(const char *progname); DESCRIPTION
The getprogname() and setprogname() functions manipulate the name of the current program. They are used by error-reporting routines to pro- duce consistent output. The getprogname() function returns the name of the program. If the name has not been set yet, it will return NULL. The setprogname() function sets the name of the program to be the last component of the progname argument. Since a pointer to the given string is kept as the program name, it should not be modified for the rest of the program's lifetime. In FreeBSD, the name of the program is set by the start-up code that is run before main(); thus, running setprogname() is not necessary. Programs that desire maximum portability should still call it; on another operating system, these functions may be implemented in a portabil- ity library. Calling setprogname() allows the aforementioned library to learn the program name without modifications to the start-up code. SEE ALSO
err(3) HISTORY
These functions first appeared in NetBSD 1.6, and made their way into FreeBSD 4.4. BSD
May 1, 2001 BSD

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GETPROGNAME(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					    GETPROGNAME(3)

getprogname, setprogname -- get or set the program name LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <stdlib.h> const char * getprogname(void); void setprogname(const char *progname); DESCRIPTION
The getprogname() and setprogname() functions manipulate the name of the current program. They are used by error-reporting routines to pro- duce consistent output. The getprogname() function returns the name of the program. If the name has not been set yet, it will return NULL. The setprogname() function sets the name of the program to be the last component of the progname argument. Since a pointer to the given string is kept as the program name, it should not be modified for the rest of the program's lifetime. In FreeBSD, the name of the program is set by the start-up code that is run before main(); thus, running setprogname() is not necessary. Programs that desire maximum portability should still call it; on another operating system, these functions may be implemented in a portabil- ity library. Calling setprogname() allows the aforementioned library to learn the program name without modifications to the start-up code. SEE ALSO
err(3) HISTORY
These functions first appeared in NetBSD 1.6, and made their way into FreeBSD 4.4. BSD
May 1, 2001 BSD
Man Page

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