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sasl_setprop(3) [osx man page]

sasl_setprop(10 July 2001)												sasl_setprop(10 July 2001)

sasl_setprop - Set a SASL property SYNOPSIS
#include <sasl/sasl.h> int sasl_setprop(sasl_conn_t *conn, int propnum, const void * pvalue) DESCRIPTION
sasl_setprop sets the value of a SASL property. For example an application should tell the SASL library about any external negotiated secu- rity layer (i.e. TLS). conn is the SASL connection object. propnum is the identifier for the property requested and pvalue contains a pointer to the data. It is the applications job to make sure this type is correct. This is an easy way to crash a program. SASL_AUTH_EXTERNAL - external authentication ID (const char *) SASL_SSF_EXTERNAL - external SSF active -- (sasl_ssf_t) SASL_DEFUSERREALM - user realm (const char *) SASL_SEC_PROPS - sasl_security_properties_t (may be freed after call) SASL_IPLOCALPORT - string describing the local ip and port in the form "a.b.c.d;p", or "e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l;port" SASL_IPREMOTEPORT - string describing the remote ip and port in the form "a.b.c.d;p", or "e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l;port" RETURN VALUE
Returns SASL_OK on success. SASL error code on failure. CONFORMING TO
sasl(3), sasl_errors(3) SASL man pages SASL sasl_setprop(10 July 2001)

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sasl_setprop(3SASL)			      Simple Authentication Security Layer Library Functions			       sasl_setprop(3SASL)

sasl_setprop - set a SASL property SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lsasl [ library ... ] #include <sasl/sasl.h> int sasl_setprop(sasl_conn_t *conn, int propnum, const void *pvalue); DESCRIPTION
Use the sasl_setprop() interface to set the value of a SASL property. For example, an application can use sasl_setprop() to tell the SASL liabrary about any external negotiated security layer like TLS. sasl_setprop() uses the following flags. SASL_AUTH_EXTERNAL External authentication ID that is a pointer of type const char SASL_SSF_EXTERNAL External SSF active of type sasl_ssf_t SASL_DEFUSERREALM User realm that is a pointer of type const char SASL_SEC_PROPS sasl_security_properties_t, that can be freed after the call SASL_IPLOCALPORT A string that describes the local ip and port in the form a.b.c.d:p or [e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l]:port or one of the older forms, a.b.c.d;p or e:f:g:j:i:j:k:l;port SASL_IPREMOTEPORT A string that describes the remote ip and port in the form a.b.c.d:p or [e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l]:port or one of the older forms, a.b.c.d;p or e:f:g:j:i:j:k:l;port PARAMETERS
conn The SASL connection context propnum The identifier for the property requested pvalue Contains a pointer to the data. The application must ensure that the data type is correct, or the application can crash. RETURN VALUES
sasl_setprop() returns an integer that corresponds to a SASL error code. ERRORS
SASL_OK The call to sasl_setprop() was successful. See sasl_errors(3SASL) for information on SASL error codes. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWlibsasl | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
sasl_errors(3SASL), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 14 Oct 2003 sasl_setprop(3SASL)
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