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Role::Tiny::With(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				       Role::Tiny::With(3)

Role::Tiny::With - Neat interface for consumers of Role::Tiny roles SYNOPSIS
package Some::Class; use Role::Tiny::With; with 'Some::Role'; # The role is now mixed in DESCRIPTION
"Role::Tiny" is a minimalist role composition tool. "Role::Tiny::With" provides a "with" function to compose such roles. AUTHORS
See Role::Tiny for authors. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
See Role::Tiny for the copyright and license. perl v5.16.2 2012-05-06 Role::Tiny::With(3)

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Role::Tiny(3pm) 					User Contributed Perl Documentation					   Role::Tiny(3pm)

Role::Tiny - Roles. Like a nouvelle cuisine portion size slice of Moose. SYNOPSIS
package Some::Role; use Role::Tiny; sub foo { ... } sub bar { ... } around baz => sub { ... } 1; else where package Some::Class; use Role::Tiny::With; # bar gets imported, but not foo with 'Some::Role'; sub foo { ... } # baz is wrapped in the around modifier by Class::Method::Modifiers sub baz { ... } 1; If you wanted attributes as well, look at Moo::Role. DESCRIPTION
"Role::Tiny" is a minimalist role composition tool. ROLE COMPOSITION
Role composition can be thought of as much more clever and meaningful multiple inheritance. The basics of this implementation of roles is: o If a method is already defined on a class, that method will not be composed in from the role. o If a method that the role "requires" to be implemented is not implemented, role application will fail loudly. Unlike Class::C3, where the last class inherited from "wins," role composition is the other way around, where the class wins. If multiple roles are applied in a single call (single with statement), then if any of their provided methods clash, an exception is raised unless the class provides a method since this conflict indicates a potential problem. IMPORTED SUBROUTINES
requires requires qw(foo bar); Declares a list of methods that must be defined to compose role. with with 'Some::Role1'; with 'Some::Role1', 'Some::Role2'; Composes another role into the current role (or class via Role::Tiny::With). If you have conflicts and want to resolve them in favour of Some::Role1 you can instead write: with 'Some::Role1'; with 'Some::Role2'; If you have conflicts and want to resolve different conflicts in favour of different roles, please refactor your codebase. before before foo => sub { ... }; See "before method(s) => sub { ... }" in Class::Method::Modifiers for full documentation. Note that since you are not required to use method modifiers, Class::Method::Modifiers is lazily loaded and we do not declare it as a dependency. If your Role::Tiny role uses modifiers you must depend on both Class::Method::Modifiers and Role::Tiny. around around foo => sub { ... }; See "around method(s) => sub { ... }" in Class::Method::Modifiers for full documentation. Note that since you are not required to use method modifiers, Class::Method::Modifiers is lazily loaded and we do not declare it as a dependency. If your Role::Tiny role uses modifiers you must depend on both Class::Method::Modifiers and Role::Tiny. after after foo => sub { ... }; See "after method(s) => sub { ... }" in Class::Method::Modifiers for full documentation. Note that since you are not required to use method modifiers, Class::Method::Modifiers is lazily loaded and we do not declare it as a dependency. If your Role::Tiny role uses modifiers you must depend on both Class::Method::Modifiers and Role::Tiny. SUBROUTINES
does_role if (Role::Tiny::does_role($foo, 'Some::Role')) { ... } Returns true if class has been composed with role. This subroutine is also installed as ->does on any class a Role::Tiny is composed into unless that class already has an ->does method, so if ($foo->does('Some::Role')) { ... } will work for classes but to test a role, one must use ::does_role directly METHODS
apply_roles_to_package Role::Tiny->apply_roles_to_package( 'Some::Package', 'Some::Role', 'Some::Other::Role' ); Composes role with package. See also Role::Tiny::With. apply_roles_to_object Role::Tiny->apply_roles_to_object($foo, qw(Some::Role1 Some::Role2)); Composes roles in order into object directly. Object is reblessed into the resulting class. create_class_with_roles Role::Tiny->create_class_with_roles('Some::Base', qw(Some::Role1 Some::Role2)); Creates a new class based on base, with the roles composed into it in order. New class is returned. SEE ALSO
Role::Tiny is the attribute-less subset of Moo::Role; Moo::Role is a meta-protocol-less subset of the king of role systems, Moose::Role. If you don't want method modifiers and do want to be forcibly restricted to a single role application per class, Ovid's Role::Basic exists. But Stevan Little (the Moose author) and I don't find the additional restrictions to be amazingly helpful in most cases; Role::Basic's choices are more a guide to what you should prefer doing, to our mind, rather than something that needs to be enforced. AUTHOR
mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <> CONTRIBUTORS
dg - David Leadbeater (cpan:DGL) <> frew - Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt (cpan:FREW) <> hobbs - Andrew Rodland (cpan:ARODLAND) <> jnap - John Napiorkowski (cpan:JJNAPIORK) <> ribasushi - Peter Rabbitson (cpan:RIBASUSHI) <> chip - Chip Salzenberg (cpan:CHIPS) <> ajgb - Alex J. G. BurzyAaXski (cpan:AJGB) <> doy - Jesse Luehrs (cpan:DOY) <doy at tozt dot net> perigrin - Chris Prather (cpan:PERIGRIN) <> Mithaldu - Christian Walde (cpan:MITHALDU) <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2010-2012 the Role::Tiny "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above. LICENSE
This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-06-19 Role::Tiny(3pm)
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