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removefile_state_free(3) [osx man page]

REMOVEFILE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     REMOVEFILE(3)

removefile, removefile_state_alloc, removefile_state_free, removefile_state_get, removefile_state_set -- remove files or directories SYNOPSIS
#include <removefile.h> int removefile(const char *path, removefile_state_t state, removefile_flags_t flags); removefile_state_t removefile_state_alloc(void); int removefile_state_free(removefile_state_t state); int removefile_state_get(removefile_state_t state, uint32_t key, void * dst); int removefile_state_set(removefile_state_t state, uint32_t key, const void * value); int removefile_cancel(removefile_state_t state); DESCRIPTION
These functions are used to remove a file or directory. Various levels of overwriting may be specified to prevent other people from recover- ing any information about the file. The removefile_state_alloc() function initializes a removefile_state_t object (which is an opaque data type). This object can be passed to removefile(). removefile_state_get() and removefile_state_set() can be used to manipulate the state (see below). The removefile_state_free() function is used to deallocate the object and its contents. The removefile() function removes files and directories located at the named path filesystem location. The named path location can be speci- fied as either an absolute path or relative to the working directory of the calling process. If the state parameter is the return value from removefile_state_alloc(), then removefile() will use the information from the state object; if it is NULL, then removefile() will work nor- mally, but less control will be available to the caller. The flags parameter controls deletion options: REMOVEFILE_RECURSIVE If the path location is a directory, then recursively delete the entire directory. REMOVEFILE_KEEP_PARENT The file or directory at the path location is not deleted. If specified in conjunction with REMOVEFILE_RECUR- SIVE, then all of the contents of the directory at path location will be deleted, but not the directory itself. REMOVEFILE_SECURE_7_PASS Overwrite the file with 7 US DoD compliant passes (0xF6, 0x00, 0xFF, random, 0x00, 0xFF, random). REMOVEFILE_SECURE_35_PASS Overwrite the file using 35-pass Gutmann algorithm. REMOVEFILE_SECURE_3_PASS Overwrite the file twice with random bytes, and then with 0xAA. REMOVEFILE_SECURE_1_PASS Overwrite with a single pass of random data. REMOVEFILE_SECURE_1_PASS_ZERO Overwrite with a single pass of zeroes. The removefile_state_get() and removefile_state_set() functions can be used to manipulate the removefile_state_t object returned by removefile_state_alloc(). In both functions, the dst or the value parameter's type depends on the key parameter that is passed in. REMOVEFILE_STATE_CONFIRM_CALLBACK Get or set the callback function of type removefile_callback_t to be called prior to file deletion. REMOVEFILE_STATE_CONFIRM_CONTEXT Get or set any parameters of type void * that are needed for the confirm callback function. REMOVEFILE_STATE_ERROR_CALLBACK Get or set the callback function of type removefile_callback_t to be called when an error is detected. REMOVEFILE_STATE_ERROR_CONTEXT Get or set any parameters of type void * that are needed for the error callback function. REMOVEFILE_STATE_ERRNO Get or set the current errno of type int REMOVEFILE_STATE_STATUS_CALLBACK Get or set the callback function of type removefile_callback_t to be called subsequent to file deletion. REMOVEFILE_STATE_STATUS_CONTEXT Get or set any parameters of type void * that are needed for the status callback function. The removefile_callback_t function pointer is defined as the following: int (*removefile_callback_t) (removefile_state_t state, const char *path, void *context) The return value of the callback function is given as: REMOVEFILE_PROCEED File is deleted and removefile() continues operation as normal. REMOVEFILE_SKIP Current file is not deleted and removefile() continues operation as normal. REMOVEFILE_STOP Current file is not deleted and removefile() exits without continuing further. The removefile_cancel() function is used to cancel a remove that is in progress. RETURN VALUES
The family of removefile() functions returns less than 0 on error, and 0 on success. ERRORS
removefile() will fail if: [EACCES] The path location specifies a file or directory for which the calling process does not have proper permissions. [EINVAL] A callback returned an invalid return value (not REMOVEFILE_PROCEED, REMOVEFILE_SKIP, or REMOVEFILE_STOP) [EMLINK] The path location refers to a symbolic link. [ENAMETOOLONG] The resource fork name of the file exceeds the maximum allowed length. [ENOMEM] A memory allocation failed. [ENOTEMPTY] The path location specifies a directory that contains an immutable file which cannot be deleted. [EPERM] The path location specifies an immutable file that cannot be deleted. removefile_cancel() will fail if: [EINVAL] A NULL parameter was passed into removefile_cancel(). In addition, all functions may return an error from an underlying library or system call. NOTES
Write protected files owned by another user cannot be removed by removefile(), regardless of the permissions on the directory containing the file. If multiple of the REMOVEFILE_SECURE_1_PASS, REMOVEFILE_SECURE_7_PASS, and REMOVEFILE_SECURE_35_PASS flags are specified, removefile() will proceed using the flag that specifies the highest number of overwriting passes. removefile() is pathname-based; this means that, when descending into a hierarchy, there are potential race conditions that may add risk when run with privileges. removefile() operates on symbolic links, rather than the target of the link. EXAMPLES
/* Initialize a state variable */ removefile_state_t s; s = removefile_state_alloc(); /* Recursively remove all files and directories while keeping parent tmp directory. */ removefile("/tmp", s, REMOVEFILE_RECURSIVE | REMOVEFILE_KEEP_PARENT); /* Release the state variable */ removefile_state_free(s); /* A more complex way to call removefile() -- define a callback function */ int removefile_status_callback(removefile_state_t state, const char * path, void * context) { fprintf(stderr, "File deleted: %s", path); return REMOVEFILE_PROCEED; } /* Initialize a state variable */ s = removefile_state_alloc(); /* Set callback function properties */ removefile_state_set(s, REMOVEFILE_STATE_CONFIRM_CALLBACK, removefile_confirm_callback); removefile_state_set(s, REMOVEFILE_STATE_CONFIRM_CONTEXT, NULL); /* Recursively remove all files and directories while keeping parent tmp directory, calling a confirm callback prior to each file deletion. */ removefile("/tmp", s, REMOVEFILE_RECURSIVE | REMOVEFILE_KEEP_PARENT); /* Release the state variable. */ removefile_state_free(s); SEE ALSO
srm(1), unlink(1), sync(2), sync_volume_np(3) HISTORY
The removefile() API was introduced in Mac OS X 10.5. BSD
May 4, 2007 BSD
Man Page