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regexp::common::uri::pop(3) [osx man page]

Regexp::Common::URI::pop(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			       Regexp::Common::URI::pop(3)

Regexp::Common::URI::pop -- Returns a pattern for POP URIs. SYNOPSIS
use Regexp::Common qw /URI/; while (<>) { /$RE{URI}{POP}/ and print "Contains a POP URI. "; } DESCRIPTION
$RE{URI}{POP} Returns a pattern that matches POP URIs, as defined by RFC 2384. POP URIs have the form: "pop:" "//" [ user [ ";AUTH" ( "*" | auth_type ) ] "@" ] host [ ":" port ] Under "{-keep}", the following are returned: $1 The complete URI. $2 The scheme. $3 The user, if given. $4 The authentication type, if given (could be a *). $5 The host. $6 The port, if given. REFERENCES
[RFC 2384] Gellens, R.: POP URL Scheme. August 1998. SEE ALSO
Regexp::Common::URI for other supported URIs. AUTHOR
Bound to be plenty. LICENSE and COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2001 - 2009, Damian Conway and Abigail. This module is free software, and maybe used under any of the following licenses: 1) The Perl Artistic License. See the file COPYRIGHT.AL. 2) The Perl Artistic License 2.0. See the file COPYRIGHT.AL2. 3) The BSD Licence. See the file COPYRIGHT.BSD. 4) The MIT Licence. See the file COPYRIGHT.MIT. perl v5.16.2 2010-02-23 Regexp::Common::URI::pop(3)

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Regexp::Common::URI::prospero(3)			User Contributed Perl Documentation			  Regexp::Common::URI::prospero(3)

Regexp::Common::URI::prospero -- Returns a pattern for prospero URIs. SYNOPSIS
use Regexp::Common qw /URI/; while (<>) { /$RE{URI}{prospero}/ and print "Contains a prospero URI. "; } DESCRIPTION
$RE{URI}{prospero} Returns a pattern that matches prospero URIs, as defined by RFC 1738. prospero URIs have the form: "prospero:" "//" host [ ":" port ] "/" path [ fieldspec ] * Under "{-keep}", the following are returned: $1 The complete URI. $2 The scheme. $3 The hostname. $4 The port, if given. $5 The propero path. $6 The field specifications, if given. There can be more field specifications; they will all be returned in $6. REFERENCES
[RFC 1738] Berners-Lee, Tim, Masinter, L., McCahill, M.: Uniform Resource Locators (URL). December 1994. SEE ALSO
Regexp::Common::URI for other supported URIs. AUTHOR
Bound to be plenty. LICENSE and COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2001 - 2009, Damian Conway and Abigail. This module is free software, and maybe used under any of the following licenses: 1) The Perl Artistic License. See the file COPYRIGHT.AL. 2) The Perl Artistic License 2.0. See the file COPYRIGHT.AL2. 3) The BSD Licence. See the file COPYRIGHT.BSD. 4) The MIT Licence. See the file COPYRIGHT.MIT. perl v5.16.2 2010-02-23 Regexp::Common::URI::prospero(3)
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