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pthread_attr_set_getschedpolicy(3) [osx man page]

PTHREAD_ATTR(3) 					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					   PTHREAD_ATTR(3)

pthread_attr_getschedpolicy, pthread_attr_setschedpolicy -- thread attribute operations SYNOPSIS
#include <pthread.h> int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr, int *restrict policy); int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t *attr, int policy); DESCRIPTION
Thread attributes are used to specify parameters to pthread_create(). One attribute object can be used in multiple calls to pthread_create(), with or without modifications between calls. The functions pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() and pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(), set and get the attribute in the attr argument related to the scheduling policy. The value for the aforementioned attribute can be SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR and SCHED_OTHER. RETURN VALUES
If successful, these functions return 0. Otherwise, an error number is returned to indicate the error. pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(), on success, will copy the value of the thread's scheduling policy attribute to the location pointed to by the second function parameter. ERRORS
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy() will fail if: [EINVAL] Invalid value for attr. pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() will fail if: [EINVAL] Invalid value for attr. [ENOTSUP] Invalid or unsupported value for policy. SEE ALSO
pthread_create(3), pthread_attr_init(3), pthread_attr_setschedparam(3), pthread_attr_setinheritsched(3) STANDARDS
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(), pthread_attr_getschedpolicy() conform to Version 2 of the Single UNIX Specification (``SUSv2'') BSD
December 31, 2007 BSD

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PTHREAD_ATTR(3) 					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					   PTHREAD_ATTR(3)

pthread_attr_getschedpolicy, pthread_attr_setschedpolicy -- thread attribute operations SYNOPSIS
#include <pthread.h> int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr, int *restrict policy); int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t *attr, int policy); DESCRIPTION
Thread attributes are used to specify parameters to pthread_create(). One attribute object can be used in multiple calls to pthread_create(), with or without modifications between calls. The functions pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() and pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(), set and get the attribute in the attr argument related to the scheduling policy. The value for the aforementioned attribute can be SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR and SCHED_OTHER. RETURN VALUES
If successful, these functions return 0. Otherwise, an error number is returned to indicate the error. pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(), on success, will copy the value of the thread's scheduling policy attribute to the location pointed to by the second function parameter. ERRORS
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy() will fail if: [EINVAL] Invalid value for attr. pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() will fail if: [EINVAL] Invalid value for attr. [ENOTSUP] Invalid or unsupported value for policy. SEE ALSO
pthread_create(3), pthread_attr_init(3), pthread_attr_setschedparam(3), pthread_attr_setinheritsched(3) STANDARDS
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(), pthread_attr_getschedpolicy() conform to Version 2 of the Single UNIX Specification (``SUSv2'') BSD
December 31, 2007 BSD
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