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ppi::token::quote::double(3) [osx man page]

PPI::Token::Quote::Double(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      PPI::Token::Quote::Double(3)

PPI::Token::Quote::Double - A standard "double quote" token INHERITANCE
PPI::Token::Quote::Double isa PPI::Token::Quote isa PPI::Token isa PPI::Element DESCRIPTION
A "PPI::Token::Quote::Double" object represents a double-quoted interpolating string. The string is treated as a single entity, PPI will not try to understand what is in the string during the parsing process. METHODS
There are several methods available for "PPI::Token::Quote::Double", beyond those provided by the parent PPI::Token::Quote, PPI::Token and PPI::Element classes. Got any ideas for methods? Submit a report to! interpolations The interpolations method checks to see if the double quote actually contains any interpolated variables. Returns true if the string contains interpolations, or false if not. simplify For various reasons, some people find themselves compelled to have their code in the simplest form possible. The "simply" method will turn a simple double-quoted string into the equivalent single-quoted string. If the double can be simplified, it will be modified in place and returned as a convenience, or returns false if the string cannot be simplified. SUPPORT
See the support section in the main module. AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2001 - 2011 Adam Kennedy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. perl v5.16.2 2011-02-25 PPI::Token::Quote::Double(3)

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PPI::Token::Quote::Double(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			    PPI::Token::Quote::Double(3pm)

PPI::Token::Quote::Double - A standard "double quote" token INHERITANCE
PPI::Token::Quote::Double isa PPI::Token::Quote isa PPI::Token isa PPI::Element DESCRIPTION
A "PPI::Token::Quote::Double" object represents a double-quoted interpolating string. The string is treated as a single entity, PPI will not try to understand what is in the string during the parsing process. METHODS
There are several methods available for "PPI::Token::Quote::Double", beyond those provided by the parent PPI::Token::Quote, PPI::Token and PPI::Element classes. Got any ideas for methods? Submit a report to! interpolations The interpolations method checks to see if the double quote actually contains any interpolated variables. Returns true if the string contains interpolations, or false if not. simplify For various reasons, some people find themselves compelled to have their code in the simplest form possible. The "simply" method will turn a simple double-quoted string into the equivalent single-quoted string. If the double can be simplified, it will be modified in place and returned as a convenience, or returns false if the string cannot be simplified. SUPPORT
See the support section in the main module. AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2001 - 2011 Adam Kennedy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. perl v5.10.1 2011-02-26 PPI::Token::Quote::Double(3pm)
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