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newlocale(3) [osx man page]

NEWLOCALE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					      NEWLOCALE(3)

newlocale -- Create a new locale SYNOPSIS
#include <xlocale.h> locale_t newlocale(int mask, const char * locale, locale_t base); DESCRIPTION
Creates a new locale_t based off the locale specified by base. The categories specified by mask will be replaced to correspond with the named locale. The mask is the logical OR of the following: LC_COLLATE_MASK Collation LC_CTYPE_MASK Character type LC_MESSAGES_MASK Messages LC_MONETARY_MASK Monetary LC_NUMERIC_MASK Numeric LC_TIME_MASK Time LC_ALL_MASK The logical OR of all of the above The locale string is typically the name of one of the directories in /usr/share/locale. If locale is NULL, then the C locale is used. If locale is an empty string, then it will look for environment variables: LC_ALL, then LC_* if the corresponding LC_*_MASK bit is set, then the LANG environment variable. If none of these are found, it will default to the C locale. If base is NULL, the current locale is used. If base is LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE, the global locale is used. If mask is LC_ALL_MASK, base is ignored. In order to create a C locale_t value, use newlocale(LC_ALL_MASK, NULL, NULL). RETURN VALUES
Returns a new locale_t, or NULL in case of error. New locales should be freed with freelocale(3). SEE ALSO
duplocale(3), freelocale(3), querylocale(3), uselocale(3), xlocale(3) BSD
March 11, 2005 BSD

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DUPLOCALE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					      DUPLOCALE(3)

duplocale -- duplicate an locale LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <xlocale.h> locale_t duplocale(locale_t locale); DESCRIPTION
Duplicates an existing locale_t returning a new locale_t that refers to the same locale values but has an independent internal state. Vari- ous functions, such as mblen(3) require a persistent state. These functions formerly used static variables and calls to them from multiple threads had undefined behavior. They now use fields in the locale_t associated with the current thread by uselocale(3). These calls are therefore only thread safe on threads with a unique per-thread locale. The locale returned by this call must be freed with freelocale(3). SEE ALSO
freelocale(3), localeconv(3), newlocale(3), querylocale(3), uselocale(3), xlocale(3) STANDARDS
This function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (``POSIX.1''). BUGS
Ideally, uselocale(3) should make a copy of the locale_t implicitly to ensure thread safety, and a copy of the global locale should be installed lazily on each thread. The FreeBSD implementation does not do this, for compatibility with Darwin. BSD
September 17, 2011 BSD
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