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netsnmp_serialize(3) [osx man page]

serialize(3)							     net-snmp							      serialize(3)

serialize - Calls sub handlers one request at a time. Functions netsnmp_mib_handler * netsnmp_get_serialize_handler (void) returns a serialize handler that can be injected into a given handler chain. int netsnmp_register_serialize (netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo) functionally the same as calling netsnmp_register_handler() but also injects a serialize handler at the same time for you. int netsnmp_serialize_helper_handler (netsnmp_mib_handler *handler, netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo, netsnmp_agent_request_info *reqinfo, netsnmp_request_info *requests) Implements the serial handler. void netsnmp_init_serialize (void) initializes the serialize helper which then registers a serialize handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. Detailed Description Calls sub handlers one request at a time. This functionally passes in one request at a time into lower handlers rather than a whole bunch of requests at once. This is useful for handlers that don't want to iterate through the request lists themselves. Generally, this is probably less efficient so use with caution. The serialize handler might be useable to dynamically fix handlers with broken looping code, however. Function Documentation netsnmp_mib_handler* netsnmp_get_serialize_handler (void) returns a serialize handler that can be injected into a given handler chain. Definition at line 31 of file serialize.c. References netsnmp_create_handler(), and netsnmp_serialize_helper_handler(). Referenced by netsnmp_init_serialize(), and netsnmp_register_serialize(). void netsnmp_init_serialize (void) initializes the serialize helper which then registers a serialize handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. Definition at line 93 of file serialize.c. References netsnmp_get_serialize_handler(), and netsnmp_register_handler_by_name(). int netsnmp_register_serialize (netsnmp_handler_registration * reginfo) functionally the same as calling netsnmp_register_handler() but also injects a serialize handler at the same time for you. Definition at line 40 of file serialize.c. References netsnmp_get_serialize_handler(), netsnmp_inject_handler(), and netsnmp_register_handler(). Referenced by netsnmp_register_instance(), netsnmp_register_read_only_instance(), netsnmp_register_read_only_scalar(), netsnmp_register_scalar(), and netsnmp_register_scalar_group(). int netsnmp_serialize_helper_handler (netsnmp_mib_handler * handler, netsnmp_handler_registration * reginfo, netsnmp_agent_request_info * reqinfo, netsnmp_request_info * requests) Implements the serial handler. Definition at line 48 of file serialize.c. References netsnmp_call_next_handler(), netsnmp_request_info_s::next, and NULL. Referenced by netsnmp_get_serialize_handler(). Version 5.4.2 5 Sep 2008 serialize(3)

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debug(3snmp)							     net-snmp							      debug(3snmp)

debug - Print out debugging information about the handler chain being called. Functions netsnmp_mib_handler * netsnmp_get_debug_handler (void) returns a debug handler that can be injected into a given handler chain. void debug_print_requests (netsnmp_request_info *requests) int netsnmp_debug_helper (netsnmp_mib_handler *handler, netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo, netsnmp_agent_request_info *reqinfo, netsnmp_request_info *requests) void netsnmp_init_debug_helper (void) initializes the debug helper which then registers a debug handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. handler void netsnmp_init_serialize (void) initializes the serialize helper which then registers a serialize handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. void netsnmp_init_read_only_helper (void) initializes the read_only helper which then registers a read_only handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. void netsnmp_init_bulk_to_next_helper (void) initializes the bulk_to_next helper which then registers a bulk_to_next handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. void netsnmp_init_table_dataset (void) void netsnmp_init_stash_cache_helper (void) initializes the stash_cache helper which then registers a stash_cache handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. void netsnmp_init_helpers (void) call the initialization sequence for all handlers with init_ routines. Detailed Description Print out debugging information about the handler chain being called. This is a useful module for run-time debugging of requests as the pass this handler in a calling chain. All debugging output is done via the standard debugging routines with a token name of 'helper:debug', so use the -Dhelper:debug command line flag to see the output when running the snmpd demon. It's not recommended you compile this into a handler chain during compile time, but instead use the 'injectHandler' token in the snmpd.conf file (or similar) to add it to the chain later: injectHandler debug my_module_name to see an example output, try: injectHandler debug mibII/system and then run snmpwalk on the 'system' group. Function Documentation netsnmp_mib_handler* netsnmp_get_debug_handler (void) returns a debug handler that can be injected into a given handler chain. Definition at line 51 of file debug_handler.c. void netsnmp_init_bulk_to_next_helper (void) initializes the bulk_to_next helper which then registers a bulk_to_next handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. Definition at line 139 of file bulk_to_next.c. void netsnmp_init_debug_helper (void) initializes the debug helper which then registers a debug handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. Definition at line 155 of file debug_handler.c. void netsnmp_init_helpers (void) call the initialization sequence for all handlers with init_ routines. Definition at line 36 of file all_helpers.c. void netsnmp_init_read_only_helper (void) initializes the read_only helper which then registers a read_only handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. Definition at line 81 of file read_only.c. void netsnmp_init_serialize (void) initializes the serialize helper which then registers a serialize handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. Definition at line 93 of file serialize.c. void netsnmp_init_stash_cache_helper (void) initializes the stash_cache helper which then registers a stash_cache handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. Definition at line 238 of file stash_cache.c. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for net-snmp from the source code. Version 5.4.3.pre1 23 May 2010 debug(3snmp)
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