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net::server::multitype(3) [osx man page]

Net::Server::MultiType(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				 Net::Server::MultiType(3)

Net::Server::MultiType - Net::Server personality SYNOPSIS
use base qw(Net::Server::MultiType); sub process_request { #...code... } my @types = qw(PreFork Fork Single); Net::Server::MultiType->run(server_type => @types); DESCRIPTION
Please read the pod on Net::Server first. This module is a personality, or extension, or sub class, of the Net::Server module. This personality is intended to allow for easy use of multiple Net::Server personalities. Given a list of server types, Net::Server::MultiType will require one at a time until it finds one that is installed on the system. It then adds that package to its @ISA, thus inheriting the methods of that personality. ARGUMENTS
In addition to the command line arguments of the Net::Server base class, Net::Server::MultiType contains one other configurable parameter. Key Value Default server_type 'server_type' 'Single' server_type May be called many times to build up an array or possible server_types. At execution, Net::Server::MultiType will find the first available one and then inherit the methods of that personality CONFIGURATION FILE
"Net::Server::MultiType" allows for the use of a configuration file to read in server parameters. The format of this conf file is simple key value pairs. Comments and white space are ignored. #-------------- file test.conf -------------- ### multi type info ### try PreFork first, then go to Single server_type PreFork server_type Single ### server information min_servers 20 max_servers 80 spare_servers 10 max_requests 1000 ### user and group to become user somebody group everybody ### logging ? log_file /var/log/server.log log_level 3 pid_file /tmp/ ### access control allow .+.(net|com) allow deny a.+ ### background the process? background 1 ### ports to bind host port localhost:20204 port 20205 ### reverse lookups ? # reverse_lookups on #-------------- file test.conf -------------- PROCESS FLOW
See Net::Server HOOKS
There are no additional hooks in Net::Server::MultiType. TO DO
See Net::Server AUTHOR
Paul T. Seamons SEE ALSO
Please see also Net::Server::Fork, Net::Server::INET, Net::Server::PreFork, Net::Server::MultiType, Net::Server::Single perl v5.16.2 2012-06-05 Net::Server::MultiType(3)

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Net::Server::MultiType(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			       Net::Server::MultiType(3pm)

Net::Server::MultiType - Net::Server personality SYNOPSIS
use base qw(Net::Server::MultiType); sub process_request { #...code... } my @types = qw(PreFork Fork Single); Net::Server::MultiType->run(server_type => @types); DESCRIPTION
Please read the pod on Net::Server first. This module is a personality, or extension, or sub class, of the Net::Server module. This personality is intended to allow for easy use of multiple Net::Server personalities. Given a list of server types, Net::Server::MultiType will require one at a time until it finds one that is installed on the system. It then adds that package to its @ISA, thus inheriting the methods of that personality. ARGUMENTS
In addition to the command line arguments of the Net::Server base class, Net::Server::MultiType contains one other configurable parameter. Key Value Default server_type 'server_type' 'Single' server_type May be called many times to build up an array or possible server_types. At execution, Net::Server::MultiType will find the first available one and then inherit the methods of that personality CONFIGURATION FILE
"Net::Server::MultiType" allows for the use of a configuration file to read in server parameters. The format of this conf file is simple key value pairs. Comments and white space are ignored. #-------------- file test.conf -------------- ### multi type info ### try PreFork first, then go to Single server_type PreFork server_type Single ### server information min_servers 20 max_servers 80 spare_servers 10 max_requests 1000 ### user and group to become user somebody group everybody ### logging ? log_file /var/log/server.log log_level 3 pid_file /tmp/ ### access control allow .+.(net|com) allow deny a.+ ### background the process? background 1 ### ports to bind host port localhost:20204 port 20205 ### reverse lookups ? # reverse_lookups on #-------------- file test.conf -------------- PROCESS FLOW
See Net::Server HOOKS
There are no additional hooks in Net::Server::MultiType. TO DO
See Net::Server AUTHOR
Paul T. Seamons SEE ALSO
Please see also Net::Server::Fork, Net::Server::INET, Net::Server::PreFork, Net::Server::MultiType, Net::Server::Single perl v5.14.2 2012-06-05 Net::Server::MultiType(3pm)
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