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net::http::nb(3) [osx man page]

Net::HTTP::NB(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					  Net::HTTP::NB(3)

Net::HTTP::NB - Non-blocking HTTP client SYNOPSIS
use Net::HTTP::NB; my $s = Net::HTTP::NB->new(Host => "") || die $@; $s->write_request(GET => "/"); use IO::Select; my $sel = IO::Select->new($s); READ_HEADER: { die "Header timeout" unless $sel->can_read(10); my($code, $mess, %h) = $s->read_response_headers; redo READ_HEADER unless $code; } while(1) { die "Body timeout" unless $sel->can_read(10); my $buf; my $n = $s->read_entity_body($buf, 1024); last unless $n; print $buf; } DESCRIPTION
Same interface as "Net::HTTP" but it will never try multiple reads when the read_response_headers() or read_entity_body() methods are invoked. This make it possible to multiplex multiple Net::HTTP::NB using select without risk blocking. If read_response_headers() did not see enough data to complete the headers an empty list is returned. If read_entity_body() did not see new entity data in its read the value -1 is returned. SEE ALSO
Copyright 2001 Gisle Aas. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.16.2 2012-02-15 Net::HTTP::NB(3)

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Net::HTTP::NB(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					Net::HTTP::NB(3pm)

Net::HTTP::NB - Non-blocking HTTP client SYNOPSIS
use Net::HTTP::NB; my $s = Net::HTTP::NB->new(Host => "") || die $@; $s->write_request(GET => "/"); use IO::Select; my $sel = IO::Select->new($s); READ_HEADER: { die "Header timeout" unless $sel->can_read(10); my($code, $mess, %h) = $s->read_response_headers; redo READ_HEADER unless $code; } while(1) { die "Body timeout" unless $sel->can_read(10); my $buf; my $n = $s->read_entity_body($buf, 1024); last unless $n; print $buf; } DESCRIPTION
Same interface as "Net::HTTP" but it will never try multiple reads when the read_response_headers() or read_entity_body() methods are invoked. This make it possible to multiplex multiple Net::HTTP::NB using select without risk blocking. If read_response_headers() did not see enough data to complete the headers an empty list is returned. If read_entity_body() did not see new entity data in its read the value -1 is returned. SEE ALSO
Copyright 2001 Gisle Aas. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-02-15 Net::HTTP::NB(3pm)
Man Page

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