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moosex::getopt::processedargv(3) [osx man page]

MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv(3)			User Contributed Perl Documentation			  MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv(3)

MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv - MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv - Class containing the results of process_argv SYNOPSIS
use My::App; my $pa = My::App->process_argv(@params); my $argv_copy = $pa->argv_copy(); my $extra_argv = $pa->extra_argv(); my $usage = $pa->usage(); my $constructor_params = $pa->constructor_params(); my $cli_params = $pa->cli_params(); DESCRIPTION
This object contains the result of a "process_argv" in MooseX::Getopt call. It contains all the information that "new_with_options" in MooseX::Getopt uses when calling new. METHODS
argv_copy Reference to a copy of the original @ARGV array as it originally existed at the time of "new_with_options". extra_arg Arrayref of leftover @ARGV elements that Getopt::Long did not parse. usage Contains the Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Usage object (if Getopt::Long::Descriptive is used). constructor_params Parameters passed to process_argv. cli_param Command-line parameters parsed out of @ARGV. AUTHORS
o Stevan Little <> o Brandon L. Black <> o Yuval Kogman <> o Ryan D Johnson <> o Drew Taylor <> o Tomas Doran <> o Florian Ragwitz <> o Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsaaker <> o var Arnfjoer` Bjarmason <> o Chris Prather <> o Karen Etheridge <> o Jonathan Swartz <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.16.2 2012-08-30 MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv(3)

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MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation			MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv(3pm)

MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv - MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv - Class containing the results of process_argv SYNOPSIS
use My::App; my $pa = My::App->process_argv(@params); my $argv_copy = $pa->argv_copy(); my $extra_argv = $pa->extra_argv(); my $usage = $pa->usage(); my $constructor_params = $pa->constructor_params(); my $cli_params = $pa->cli_params(); DESCRIPTION
This object contains the result of a "process_argv" in MooseX::Getopt call. It contains all the information that "new_with_options" in MooseX::Getopt uses when calling new. METHODS
argv_copy Reference to a copy of the original @ARGV array as it originally existed at the time of "new_with_options". extra_arg Arrayref of leftover @ARGV elements that Getopt::Long did not parse. usage Contains the Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Usage object (if Getopt::Long::Descriptive is used). constructor_params Parameters passed to process_argv. cli_param Command-line parameters parsed out of @ARGV. AUTHORS
o Stevan Little <> o Brandon L. Black <> o Yuval Kogman <> o Ryan D Johnson <> o Drew Taylor <> o Tomas Doran <> o Florian Ragwitz <> o Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsaker <> o AEvar Arnfjoro Bjarmason <> o Chris Prather <> o Karen Etheridge <> o Jonathan Swartz <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-05-13 MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv(3pm)
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