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moosex::declare::syntax::optionhandling(3) [osx man page]

MooseX::Declare::Syntax::OptionHandling(3)		User Contributed Perl Documentation		MooseX::Declare::Syntax::OptionHandling(3)

MooseX::Declare::Syntax::OptionHandling - Option parser dispatching DESCRIPTION
This role will call a "add_foo_option_customization" for every "foo" option that is discovered. METHODS
ignored_options List[Str] Object->ignored_options () This method returns a list of option names that won't be dispatched. By default this only contains the "is" option. REQUIRED METHODS
get_identifier Str Object->get_identifier () This must return the name of the current keyword's identifier. MODIFIED METHODS
add_optional_customizations Object->add_optional_customizations (Object $context, Str $package, HashRef $options) This will dispatch to the respective "add_*_option_customization" method for option handling unless the option is listed in the "ignored_options". SEE ALSO
o MooseX::Declare o MooseX::Declare::Syntax::NamespaceHandling AUTHORS
o Florian Ragwitz <> o Ash Berlin <> o Chas. J. Owens IV <> o Chris Prather <> o Dave Rolsky <> o Devin Austin <> o Hans Dieter Pearcey <> o Justin Hunter <> o Matt Kraai <> o Michele Beltrame <> o Nelo Onyiah <> o nperez <> o Piers Cawley <> o Rafael Kitover <> o Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek <> o Stevan Little <> o Tomas Doran <> o Yanick Champoux <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Florian Ragwitz. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.16.2 2011-08-23 MooseX::Declare::Syntax::OptionHandling(3)

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MooseX::Declare::Syntax::RoleApplication(3pm)		User Contributed Perl Documentation	     MooseX::Declare::Syntax::RoleApplication(3pm)

MooseX::Declare::Syntax::RoleApplication - Handle user specified roles DESCRIPTION
This role extends MooseX::Declare::Syntax::OptionHandling and provides a "with|/add_with_option_customizations" option. METHODS
add_with_option_customizations Object->add_with_option_customizations ( Object $context, Str $package, ArrayRef $roles, HashRef $options ) This will add a call to "with" in the scope code. CONSUMES
o MooseX::Declare::Syntax::OptionHandling SEE ALSO
o MooseX::Declare o MooseX::Declare::Syntax::OptionHandling AUTHORS
o Florian Ragwitz <> o Ash Berlin <> o Chas. J. Owens IV <> o Chris Prather <> o Dave Rolsky <> o Devin Austin <> o Hans Dieter Pearcey <> o Justin Hunter <> o Matt Kraai <> o Michele Beltrame <> o Nelo Onyiah <> o nperez <> o Piers Cawley <> o Rafael Kitover <> o Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek <> o Stevan Little <> o Tomas Doran <> o Yanick Champoux <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Florian Ragwitz. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.12.4 2011-08-23 MooseX::Declare::Syntax::RoleApplication(3pm)
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