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Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion(3)

Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion - The Moose Type Coercion metaclass VERSION
version 2.0604 DESCRIPTION
A type coercion object is basically a mapping of one or more type constraints and the associated coercions subroutines. It's unlikely that you will need to instantiate an object of this class directly, as it's part of the deep internals of Moose. METHODS
Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion->new(%options) Creates a new type coercion object, based on the options provided. o type_constraint This is the Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint object for the type that is being coerced to. $coercion->type_coercion_map This returns the map of type constraints to coercions as an array reference. The values of the array alternate between type names and subroutine references which implement the coercion. The value is an array reference because coercions are tried in the order they are added. $coercion->type_constraint This returns the Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint that was passed to the constructor. $coercion->has_coercion_for_type($type_name) Returns true if the coercion can coerce the named type. $coercion->add_type_coercions( $type_name => $sub, ... ) This method takes a list of type names and subroutine references. If the coercion already has a mapping for a given type, it throws an exception. Coercions are actually $coercion->coerce($value) This method takes a value and applies the first valid coercion it finds. This means that if the value could belong to more than type in the coercion object, the first coercion added is used. Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion->meta This will return a Class::MOP::Class instance for this class. BUGS
See "BUGS" in Moose for details on reporting bugs. AUTHOR
Moose is maintained by the Moose Cabal, along with the help of many contributors. See "CABAL" in Moose and "CONTRIBUTORS" in Moose for details. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.16.2 2012-09-19 Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion(3)

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Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation			  Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint(3pm)

Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint - The Moose Type Constraint metaclass VERSION
version 2.0603 DESCRIPTION
This class represents a single type constraint. Moose's built-in type constraints, as well as constraints you define, are all stored in a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Registry object as objects of this class. INHERITANCE
"Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint" is a subclass of Class::MOP::Object. METHODS
Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(%options) This creates a new type constraint based on the provided %options: o name The constraint name. If a name is not provided, it will be set to "__ANON__". o parent A "Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint" object which is the parent type for the type being created. This is optional. o constraint This is the subroutine reference that implements the actual constraint check. This defaults to a subroutine which always returns true. o message A subroutine reference which is used to generate an error message when the constraint fails. This is optional. o coercion A Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion object representing the coercions to the type. This is optional. o inlined A subroutine which returns a string suitable for inlining this type constraint. It will be called as a method on the type constraint object, and will receive a single additional parameter, a variable name to be tested (usually "$_" or "$_[0]". This is optional. o inline_environment A hash reference of variables to close over. The keys are variables names, and the values are references to the variables. o optimized This option is deprecated. This is a variant of the "constraint" parameter that is somehow optimized. Typically, this means incorporating both the type's constraint and all of its parents' constraints into a single subroutine reference. $constraint->equals($type_name_or_object) Returns true if the supplied name or type object is the same as the current type. $constraint->is_subtype_of($type_name_or_object) Returns true if the supplied name or type object is a parent of the current type. $constraint->is_a_type_of($type_name_or_object) Returns true if the given type is the same as the current type, or is a parent of the current type. This is a shortcut for checking "equals" and "is_subtype_of". $constraint->coerce($value) This will attempt to coerce the value to the type. If the type does not have any defined coercions this will throw an error. If no coercion can produce a value matching $constraint, the original value is returned. $constraint->assert_coerce($value) This method behaves just like "coerce", but if the result is not valid according to $constraint, an error is thrown. $constraint->check($value) Returns true if the given value passes the constraint for the type. $constraint->validate($value) This is similar to "check". However, if the type is valid then the method returns an explicit "undef". If the type is not valid, we call "$self->get_message($value)" internally to generate an error message. $constraint->assert_valid($value) Like "check" and "validate", this method checks whether $value is valid under the constraint. If it is, it will return true. If it is not, an exception will be thrown with the results of "$self->get_message($value)". $constraint->name Returns the type's name, as provided to the constructor. $constraint->parent Returns the type's parent, as provided to the constructor, if any. $constraint->has_parent Returns true if the type has a parent type. $constraint->parents Returns all of the types parents as an list of type constraint objects. $constraint->constraint Returns the type's constraint, as provided to the constructor. $constraint->get_message($value) This generates a method for the given value. If the type does not have an explicit message, we generate a default message. $constraint->has_message Returns true if the type has a message. $constraint->message Returns the type's message as a subroutine reference. $constraint->coercion Returns the type's Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion object, if one exists. $constraint->has_coercion Returns true if the type has a coercion. $constraint->can_be_inlined Returns true if this type constraint can be inlined. A type constraint which subtypes an inlinable constraint and does not add an additional constraint "inherits" its parent type's inlining. $constraint->hand_optimized_type_constraint This method is deprecated. Returns the type's hand optimized constraint, as provided to the constructor via the "optimized" option. $constraint->has_hand_optimized_type_constraint This method is deprecated. Returns true if the type has an optimized constraint. $constraint->create_child_type(%options) This returns a new type constraint of the same class using the provided %options. The "parent" option will be the current type. This method exists so that subclasses of this class can override this behavior and change how child types are created. BUGS
See "BUGS" in Moose for details on reporting bugs. AUTHOR
Moose is maintained by the Moose Cabal, along with the help of many contributors. See "CABAL" in Moose and "CONTRIBUTORS" in Moose for details. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-06-28 Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint(3pm)
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