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mime::parser::results(3) [osx man page]

MIME::Parser::Results(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				  MIME::Parser::Results(3)

MIME::Parser::Results - results of the last entity parsed SYNOPSIS
Before reading further, you should see MIME::Parser to make sure that you understand where this module fits into the grand scheme of things. Go on, do it now. I'll wait. Ready? Ok... ### Do parse, get results: my $entity = eval { $parser->parse(*STDIN); }; my $results = $parser->results; ### Get all messages logged: @msgs = $results->msgs; ### Get messages of specific types (also tests if there were problems): $had_errors = $results->errors; $had_warnings = $results->warnings; ### Get outermost header: $top_head = $results->top_head; DESCRIPTION
Results from the last MIME::Parser parse. PUBLIC INTERFACE
new Constructor. msgs Instance method. Return all messages that we logged, in order. Every message is a string beginning with its type followed by ": "; the current types are "debug", "warning", and "error". errors Instance method. Return all error messages that we logged, in order. A convenience front-end onto msgs(). warnings Instance method. Return all warning messages that we logged, in order. A convenience front-end onto msgs(). top_head Instance method. Return the topmost header, if we were able to read it. This may be useful if the parse fails. SEE ALSO
MIME::Tools, MIME::Parser AUTHOR
Eryq (, ZeeGee Software Inc ( All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.16.2 2008-06-30 MIME::Parser::Results(3)

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MIME::Parser::Results(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				MIME::Parser::Results(3pm)

MIME::Parser::Results - results of the last entity parsed SYNOPSIS
Before reading further, you should see MIME::Parser to make sure that you understand where this module fits into the grand scheme of things. Go on, do it now. I'll wait. Ready? Ok... ### Do parse, get results: my $entity = eval { $parser->parse(*STDIN); }; my $results = $parser->results; ### Get all messages logged: @msgs = $results->msgs; ### Get messages of specific types (also tests if there were problems): $had_errors = $results->errors; $had_warnings = $results->warnings; ### Get outermost header: $top_head = $results->top_head; DESCRIPTION
Results from the last MIME::Parser parse. PUBLIC INTERFACE
new Constructor. msgs Instance method. Return all messages that we logged, in order. Every message is a string beginning with its type followed by ": "; the current types are "debug", "warning", and "error". errors Instance method. Return all error messages that we logged, in order. A convenience front-end onto msgs(). warnings Instance method. Return all warning messages that we logged, in order. A convenience front-end onto msgs(). top_head Instance method. Return the topmost header, if we were able to read it. This may be useful if the parse fails. SEE ALSO
MIME::Tools, MIME::Parser AUTHOR
Eryq (, ZeeGee Software Inc ( All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2008-06-30 MIME::Parser::Results(3pm)
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