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mbrlen_l(3) [osx man page]

MBRLEN(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						 MBRLEN(3)

mbrlen, mbrlen_l -- get number of bytes in a character (restartable) LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <wchar.h> size_t mbrlen(const char *restrict s, size_t n, mbstate_t *restrict ps); #include <wchar.h> #include <xlocale.h> size_t mbrlen_l(const char *restrict s, size_t n, mbstate_t *restrict ps, locale_t loc); DESCRIPTION
The mbrlen() function inspects at most n bytes, pointed to by s, to determine the number of bytes needed to complete the next multibyte char- acter. The mbstate_t argument, ps, is used to keep track of the shift state. If it is NULL, mbrlen() uses an internal, static mbstate_t object, which is initialized to the initial conversion state at program startup. It is equivalent to: mbrtowc(NULL, s, n, ps); Except that, when ps is a NULL pointer, mbrlen() uses its own static, internal mbstate_t object to keep track of the shift state. Although the mbrlen() function uses the current locale, the mbrlen_l() function may be passed a locale directly. See xlocale(3) for more information. RETURN VALUES
The mbrlen() functions returns: 0 The next n or fewer bytes represent the null wide character (L''). >0 The next n or fewer bytes represent a valid character, mbrlen() returns the number of bytes used to complete the multibyte character. (size_t)-2 The next n contribute to, but do not complete, a valid multibyte character sequence, and all n bytes have been processed. (size_t)-1 An encoding error has occurred. The next n or fewer bytes do not contribute to a valid multibyte character. EXAMPLES
A function that calculates the number of characters in a multibyte character string: size_t nchars(const char *s) { size_t charlen, chars; mbstate_t mbs; chars = 0; memset(&mbs, 0, sizeof(mbs)); while ((charlen = mbrlen(s, MB_CUR_MAX, &mbs)) != 0 && charlen != (size_t)-1 && charlen != (size_t)-2) { s += charlen; chars++; } return (chars); } ERRORS
The mbrlen() function will fail if: [EILSEQ] An invalid multibyte sequence was detected. [EINVAL] The conversion state is invalid. SEE ALSO
mblen(3), mbrtowc(3), multibyte(3), xlocale(3) STANDARDS
The mbrlen() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99''). BSD
April 7, 2004 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

MBRLEN(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual							 MBRLEN(3)

mbrlen - determine number of bytes in next multibyte character SYNOPSIS
#include <wchar.h> size_t mbrlen(const char *s, size_t n, mbstate_t *ps); DESCRIPTION
The mbrlen() function inspects at most n bytes of the multibyte string starting at s and extracts the next complete multibyte character. It updates the shift state *ps. If the multibyte character is not the null wide character, it returns the number of bytes that were con- sumed from s. If the multibyte character is the null wide character, it resets the shift state *ps to the initial state and returns 0. If the n bytes starting at s do not contain a complete multibyte character, mbrlen() returns (size_t) -2. This can happen even if n >= MB_CUR_MAX, if the multibyte string contains redundant shift sequences. If the multibyte string starting at s contains an invalid multibyte sequence before the next complete character, mbrlen() returns (size_t) -1 and sets errno to EILSEQ. In this case, the effects on *ps are undefined. If ps is a NULL pointer, a static anonymous state only known to the mbrlen() function is used instead. RETURN VALUE
The mbrlen() function returns the number of bytes parsed from the multibyte sequence starting at s, if a non-null wide character was recog- nized. It returns 0, if a null wide character was recognized. It returns (size_t) -1 and sets errno to EILSEQ, if an invalid multibyte sequence was encountered. It returns (size_t) -2 if it couldn't parse a complete multibyte character, meaning that n should be increased. CONFORMING TO
The behavior of mbrlen() depends on the LC_CTYPE category of the current locale. SEE ALSO
mbrtowc(3) COLOPHON
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1999-07-25 MBRLEN(3)
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