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mac::speech(3) [osx man page]

Speech(3)						User Contributed Perl Documentation						 Speech(3)

Mac::Speech - Provide interface to PlainTalk (Speech Manager) SYNOPSIS
use Mac::Speech; DESCRIPTION
Access to Inside Macintosh is essential for proper use of these functions. Explanations of terms, processes and procedures are provided there. Any attempt to use these functions without guidance can cause severe errors in your machine, including corruption of data. You have been warned. Variables %Voice The %Voice hash will return the index to the first voice whose name matches the given text. Constants kTextToSpeechSynthType kTextToSpeechVoiceType kTextToSpeechVoiceFileType kTextToSpeechVoiceBundleType Speech Types. kNoEndingProsody kNoSpeechInterrupt kPreflightThenPause Synthesizer flags. kImmediate kEndOfWord kEndOfSentence Where to stop. kNeuter kMale kFemale Genders. Types VoiceDescription Voice Description Record. long length size of structure--set by application VoiceSpec voice voice synthesizer and ID info long version version number of voice Str63 name name of voice Str255 comment text information about voice short gender neuter, male, or female short age approximate age in years short script script code of text voice can process short language language code of voice output short region region code of voice output VoiceSpec Voice Specification Record. OSType creator ID of required synthesizer OSType id ID of voice on the synthesizer Functions SpeechManagerVersion CountVoices GetIndVoice INDEX GetVoiceDescription VOICE NewSpeechChannel VOICE DisposeSpeechChannel CHAN SpeakString S SpeakText CHAN, TEXT SpeakBuffer CHAN, TEXT, CONTROLFLAGS StopSpeech CHAN StopSpeechAt CHAN, WHERETOSTOP PauseSpeechAt CHAN, WHERETOPAUSE ContinueSpeech CHAN SpeechBusy SpeechBusySystemWide SetSpeechRate CHAN, RATE GetSpeechRate CHAN SetSpeechPitch CHAN, PITCH GetSpeechPitch CHAN TextToPhonemes CHAN, TEXT SpeechToFile CHAN, PATH Set speech channel CHAN to output to file PATH. AUTHOR
Written by Matthias Ulrich Neeracher <>. Currently maintained by Chris Nandor <>. perl v5.16.2 2013-08-25 Speech(3)

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ESPEAK(1)						      General Commands Manual							 ESPEAK(1)

espeak - A multi-lingual software speech synthesizer. SYNOPSIS
espeak [options] [<words>] DESCRIPTION
espeak is a software speech synthesizer for English, and some other languages. OPTIONS
-h Show summary of options. -f <text file> Text file to speak --stdin Read text input from stdin instead of a file If neither -f nor --stdin, <words> are spoken, or if none then text is spoken from stdin, each line separately. -q Quiet, don't produce any speech (may be useful with -x) -a <integer> Amplitude, 0 to 20, default is 10 -l <integer> Line length. If not zero (which is the default), consider lines less than this length as and-of-clause -p <integer> Pitch adjustment, 0 to 99, default is 50 -s <integer> Speed in words per minute, default is 160 -v <voice name> Use voice file of this name from espeak-data/voices -b Input text is 8-bit encoding -m Indicates that the text contains SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) tags or other XML tags. Those SSML tags which are supported are interpreted. Other tags, including HTML, are ignored, except that some HTML tags such as <hr> <h2> and <li> ensure a break in the speech. -w <wave file name> Write output to this WAV file, rather than speaking it directly -x Write phoneme mnemonics to stdout -X Write phonemes mnemonics and translation trace to stdout. If rules files have been built with --compile=debug, line numbers will also be displayed. --stdout Write speech output to stdout --compile=<voice name> Compile the pronunciation rules and dictionary in the current directory. =<voice name> is optional and specifies which language --path=<path> Specifies the directory containing the espeak-data directory --phonout=<filename> Write output from -x -X commands and mbrola phoneme data to this file --punct="<characters>" Speak the names of punctuation characters during speaking. If =<characters> is omitted, all punctuation is spoken. -k <integer> Indicate capital letters with: 1=sound, 2=the word "capitals", higher values = a pitch increase (try -k20). --voices[=<language code>] Lists the available voices. If =<language code> is present then only those voices which are suitable for that language are listed. --compile=voicename Compile the pronunciation rules and dictionary in the current directory. =<voice name> is optional and specifies which language --compile=debug Compile the pronunciation rules and dictionary in the current directory as above, but include line numbers, that get shown when -X is used. AUTHOR
eSpeak was written by Jonathan Duddington <>. The webpage for this package can be found at http://espeak.source- This manual page was written by Luke Yelavich <>, for the Ubuntu project (but may be used by others). July 25, 2007 ESPEAK(1)
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