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HTML::LinkExtor(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					HTML::LinkExtor(3)

HTML::LinkExtor - Extract links from an HTML document SYNOPSIS
require HTML::LinkExtor; $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(&cb, ""); sub cb { my($tag, %links) = @_; print "$tag @{[%links]} "; } $p->parse_file("index.html"); DESCRIPTION
HTML::LinkExtor is an HTML parser that extracts links from an HTML document. The HTML::LinkExtor is a subclass of HTML::Parser. This means that the document should be given to the parser by calling the $p->parse() or $p->parse_file() methods. $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new( $callback ) $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new( $callback, $base ) The constructor takes two optional arguments. The first is a reference to a callback routine. It will be called as links are found. If a callback is not provided, then links are just accumulated internally and can be retrieved by calling the $p->links() method. The $base argument is an optional base URL used to absolutize all URLs found. You need to have the URI module installed if you provide $base. The callback is called with the lowercase tag name as first argument, and then all link attributes as separate key/value pairs. All non-link attributes are removed. $p->links Returns a list of all links found in the document. The returned values will be anonymous arrays with the following elements: [$tag, $attr => $url1, $attr2 => $url2,...] The $p->links method will also truncate the internal link list. This means that if the method is called twice without any parsing between them the second call will return an empty list. Also note that $p->links will always be empty if a callback routine was provided when the HTML::LinkExtor was created. EXAMPLE
This is an example showing how you can extract links from a document received using LWP: use LWP::UserAgent; use HTML::LinkExtor; use URI::URL; $url = ""; # for instance $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; # Set up a callback that collect image links my @imgs = (); sub callback { my($tag, %attr) = @_; return if $tag ne 'img'; # we only look closer at <img ...> push(@imgs, values %attr); } # Make the parser. Unfortunately, we don't know the base yet # (it might be different from $url) $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(&callback); # Request document and parse it as it arrives $res = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url), sub {$p->parse($_[0])}); # Expand all image URLs to absolute ones my $base = $res->base; @imgs = map { $_ = url($_, $base)->abs; } @imgs; # Print them out print join(" ", @imgs), " "; SEE ALSO
Copyright 1996-2001 Gisle Aas. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.16.2 2011-10-15 HTML::LinkExtor(3)

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LinkExtractor(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					LinkExtractor(3pm)

HTML::LinkExtractor - Extract links from an HTML document DESCRIPTION
HTML::LinkExtractor is used for extracting links from HTML. It is very similar to HTML::LinkExtor, except that besides getting the URL, you also get the link-text. Example ( please run the examples ): use HTML::LinkExtractor; use Data::Dumper; my $input = q{If <a href=""> I am a LINK!!! </a>}; my $LX = new HTML::LinkExtractor(); $LX->parse($input); print Dumper($LX->links); __END__ # the above example will yield $VAR1 = [ { '_TEXT' => '<a href=""> I am a LINK!!! </a>', 'href' => bless(do{(my $o = '')}, 'URI::http'), 'tag' => 'a' } ]; "HTML::LinkExtractor" will also correctly extract nested link-type tags. SYNOPSIS
## the demo perl perl file.html othefile.html ## or if the module is installed, but you don't know where perl -MHTML::LinkExtractor -e" system $^X, $INC{q{HTML/}} " perl -MHTML::LinkExtractor -e' system $^X, $INC{q{HTML/}} ' ## or use HTML::LinkExtractor; use LWP qw( get ); # use LWP::Simple qw( get ); my $base = ''; my $html = get($base.'/recent'); my $LX = new HTML::LinkExtractor(); $LX->parse($html); print qq{<base href="$base"> }; for my $Link( @{ $LX->links } ) { ## new modules are linked by /author/NAME/Dist if( $$Link{href}=~ m{^/author/w+} ) { print $$Link{_TEXT}." "; } } undef $LX; __END__ ## or use HTML::LinkExtractor; use Data::Dumper; my $input = q{If <a href=""> I am a LINK!!! </a>}; my $LX = new HTML::LinkExtractor( sub { print Data::Dumper::Dumper(@_); }, '', ); $LX->parse($input); $LX->strip(1); $LX->parse($input); __END__ #### Calculate to total size of a web-page #### adds up the sizes of all the images and stylesheets and stuff use strict; use LWP; # use LWP::Simple; use HTML::LinkExtractor; # my $url = shift || ''; my $html = get($url); my $Total = length $html; # print "initial size $Total "; # my $LX = new HTML::LinkExtractor( sub { my( $X, $tag ) = @_; # unless( grep {$_ eq $tag->{tag} } @HTML::LinkExtractor::TAGS_IN_NEED ) { # print "$$tag{tag} "; # for my $urlAttr ( @{$HTML::LinkExtractor::TAGS{$$tag{tag}}} ) { if( exists $$tag{$urlAttr} ) { my $size = (head( $$tag{$urlAttr} ))[1]; $Total += $size if $size; print "adding $size " if $size; } } } }, $url, 0 ); # $LX->parse($html); # print "The total size of $url is $Total bytes "; __END__ METHODS
"$LX->new([&callback, [$baseUrl, [1]]])" Accepts 3 arguments, all of which are optional. If for example you want to pass a $baseUrl, but don't want to have a callback invoked, just put "undef" in place of a subref. This is the only class method. 1. a callback ( a sub reference, as in "sub{}", or "&sub") which is to be called each time a new LINK is encountered ( for @HTML::LinkExtractor::TAGS_IN_NEED this means after the closing tag is encountered ) The callback receives an object reference($LX) and a link hashref. 2. and a base URL ( URI->new, so its up to you to make sure it's valid which is used to convert all relative URI's to absolute ones. $ALinkP{href} = URI->new_abs( $ALink{href}, $base ); 3. A "boolean" (just stick with 1). See the example in "DESCRIPTION". Normally, you'd get back _TEXT that looks like '_TEXT' => '<a href=""> I am a LINK!!! </a>', If you turn this option on, you'll get the following instead '_TEXT' => ' I am a LINK!!! ', The private utility function "_stripHTML" does this by using HTML::TokeParsers method get_trimmed_text. You can turn this feature on an off by using "$LX->strip(undef || 0 || 1)" "$LX->parse( $filename || *FILEHANDLE || $FileContent )" Each time you call "parse", you should pass it a $filename a *FILEHANDLE or a "$FileContent" Each time you call "parse" a new "HTML::TokeParser" object is created and stored in "$this->{_tp}". You shouldn't need to mess with the TokeParser object. "$LX->links()" Only after you call "parse" will this method return anything. This method returns a reference to an ArrayOfHashes, which basically looks like (Data::Dumper output) $VAR1 = [ { tag => 'img', src => 'image.png' }, ]; Please note that if yo provide a callback this array will be empty. "$LX->strip( [ 0 || 1 ])" If you pass in "undef" (or nothing), returns the state of the option. Passing in a true or false value sets the option. If you wanna know what the option does see "$LX->new([&callback, [$baseUrl, [1]]])" WHAT'S A LINK-type tag Take a look at %HTML::LinkExtractor::TAGS to see what I consider to be link-type-tag. Take a look at @HTML::LinkExtractor::VALID_URL_ATTRIBUTES to see all the possible tag attributes which can contain URI's (the links!!) Take a look at @HTML::LinkExtractor::TAGS_IN_NEED to see the tags for which the '_TEXT' attribute is provided, like "<a href="#"> TEST </a>" How can that be?!?! I took at look at %HTML::Tagset::linkElements and the following URL's And the special cases <!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM ""> '!doctype' is really a process instruction, but is still listed in %TAGS with 'url' as the attribute and <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5; URL="> If there is a valid url, 'url' is set as the attribute. The meta tag has no 'attributes' listed in %TAGS. SEE ALSO
HTML::LinkExtor, HTML::TokeParser, HTML::Tagset. AUTHOR
D.H (PodMaster) Please use to report bugs. Just go to to see a bug list and/or repot new ones. LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 by D.H. (PodMaster). All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The LICENSE file contains the full text of the license. perl v5.10.1 2005-01-07 LinkExtractor(3pm)
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