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genders_parse(3) [osx man page]


genders_parse - determine errors with a genders file SYNOPSIS
#include <genders.h> int genders_parse(genders_t handle, const char *filename, FILE *stream); DESCRIPTION
genders_parse() parses the genders file indicated by filename and outputs information to stream about parse errors in the genders file. If filename is NULL, the default genders file will be checked. If stream is NULL, information will be output to standard error. RETURN VALUES
On success, the number of parse errors discovered is returned. If there are no errors, 0 is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and an error code is returned in handle. The error code can be retrieved via genders_errnum(3) , and a description of the error code can be retrieved via genders_strerror(3). Error codes are defined in genders.h. ERRORS
GENDERS_ERR_NULLHANDLE The handle parameter is NULL. The genders handle must be created with genders_handle_create(3). GENDERS_ERR_OPEN The genders file indicated by filename cannot be opened for reading. GENDERS_ERR_OVERFLOW A line in the genders database exceeds the maximum allowed length. GENDERS_ERR_MAGIC handle has an incorrect magic number. handle does not point to a genders handle or handle has been destroyed by genders_han- dle_destroy(3). FILES
/usr/include/genders.h SEE ALSO
libgenders(3), genders_handle_create(3), genders_errnum(3), genders_strerror(3) LLNL
August 2003 GENDERS_PARSE(3)

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genders_load_data - read and parse a genders file SYNOPSIS
#include <genders.h> int genders_load_data(genders_t handle, const char *filename); DESCRIPTION
genders_load_data() read and parses the genders file indicated by filename. If filename is NULL, genders_load_data() will attempt to read and parse the default genders file defined by DEFAULT_GENDERS_FILE. handle is a genders handle created by genders_handle_create(3). After genders_load_data() is called, information about the genders file is stored in the genders handle passed in. This information is used by other genders C API functions. All future use of handle with other genders C API functions will be directly associated with the genders file indicated by filename (or the default genders file if filename is NULL). RETURN VALUES
On success, 0 is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and an error code is returned in handle. The error code can be retrieved via gen- ders_errnum(3) , and a description of the error code can be retrieved via genders_strerror(3). Error codes are defined in genders.h. ERRORS
GENDERS_ERR_NULLHANDLE The handle parameter is NULL. The genders handle must be created with genders_handle_create(3). GENDERS_ERR_OPEN The genders file indicated by filename cannot be opened for reading. GENDERS_ERR_READ Error reading the genders file indicated by filename. GENDERS_ERR_PARSE The genders file indicated by filename is incorrectly formatted. GENDERS_ERR_ISLOADED genders_load_data(3) has already been called with handle. GENDERS_ERR_OVERFLOW A line in the genders database exceeds the maximum allowed length. GENDERS_ERR_OUTMEM malloc(3) has failed internally, system is out of memory. GENDERS_ERR_MAGIC handle has an incorrect magic number. handle does not point to a genders handle or handle has been destroyed by genders_han- dle_destroy(3). GENDERS_ERR_INTERNAL An internal system error has occurred. FILES
/usr/include/genders.h SEE ALSO
libgenders(3), genders_handle_create(3), genders_handle_destroy(3), genders_errnum(3), genders_strerror(3) LLNL
August 2003 GENDERS_LOAD_DATA(3)
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