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forkpty(3) [osx man page]

OPENPTY(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						OPENPTY(3)

openpty, login_tty, forkpty -- tty utility functions SYNOPSIS
#include <util.h> int openpty(int *amaster, int *aslave, char *name, struct termios *termp, struct winsize *winp); int login_tty(int fd); pid_t forkpty(int *amaster, char *name, struct termios *termp, struct winsize *winp); DESCRIPTION
The openpty(), login_tty(), and forkpty() functions perform manipulations on ttys and pseudo-ttys. The openpty() function allocates a pseudo-tty and returns file descriptors for the master and slave in amaster and aslave. If name is non- null, the filename of the slave is returned in name. If termp is non-null, the terminal parameters of the slave will be set to the values in termp. If winp is non-null, the window size of the slave will be set to the values in winp. The login_tty() function prepares for a login on the tty fd (which may be a real tty device, or the slave of a pseudo-tty as returned by openpty()) by creating a new session, making fd the controlling terminal for the current process, setting fd to be the standard input, out- put, and error streams of the current process, and closing fd. The forkpty() function combines openpty(), fork(), and login_tty() to creates a new process operating in a pseudo-tty. The file descriptor of the master side of the pseudo-tty is returned in amaster, and the filename of the slave in name if it is non-null. The termp and winp parameters, if non-null, will determine the terminal attributes and window size of the slave side of the pseudo-tty. RETURN VALUES
If a call to openpty(), login_tty(), or forkpty() is not successful, -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. Otherwise, openpty(), login_tty(), and the child process of forkpty() return 0, and the parent process of forkpty() returns the process ID of the child process. ERRORS
openpty() will fail if: [EAGAIN] There are no available pseudo-ttys. login_tty() will fail if ioctl() fails to set fd to the controlling terminal of the current process. forkpty() will fail if either openpty() or fork() fails. FILES
/dev/ptmx cloning pseudo-tty device /dev/ttys[0-9][0-9][0-9] slave pseudo-tty devices SEE ALSO
fork(2) BSD
April 5, 2008 BSD

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OPENPTY(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						OPENPTY(3)

openpty, login_tty, forkpty -- tty utility functions LIBRARY
System Utilities Library (libutil, -lutil) SYNOPSIS
#include <util.h> int openpty(int *amaster, int *aslave, char *name, struct termios *termp, struct winsize *winp); int login_tty(int fd); pid_t forkpty(int *amaster, char *name, struct termios *termp, struct winsize *winp); DESCRIPTION
The openpty(), login_tty(), and forkpty() functions perform manipulations on ttys and pseudo-ttys. The openpty() function finds an available pseudo-tty and returns file descriptors for the master and slave in amaster and aslave. If name is non-null, the filename of the slave is returned in name. If termp is non-null, the terminal parameters of the slave will be set to the val- ues in termp. If winp is non-null, the window size of the slave will be set to the values in winp. The login_tty() function prepares for a login on the tty fd (which may be a real tty device, or the slave of a pseudo-tty as returned by openpty()) by creating a new session, making fd the controlling terminal for the current process, setting fd to be the standard input, out- put, and error streams of the current process, and closing fd. The forkpty() function combines openpty(), fork(), and login_tty() to create a new process operating in a pseudo-tty. The file descriptor of the master side of the pseudo-tty is returned (to the parent process only) in amaster. The filename of the slave is returned (to both the parent and child processes) in name if name is non-null. The termp and winp parameters, if non-null, will determine the terminal attributes and window size of the slave side of the pseudo-tty. RETURN VALUES
If a call to openpty(), login_tty(), or forkpty() is not successful, -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. Otherwise, openpty(), login_tty(), and the child process of forkpty() return 0, and the parent process of forkpty() returns the process ID of the child process. FILES
/dev/[pt]ty[p-zP-T][0-9a-zA-Z] ERRORS
openpty() will fail if: [ENOENT] There are no available ttys. [EPERM] The caller was not the superuser and the ptm(4) device is missing or not configured. login_tty() will fail if ioctl() fails to set fd to the controlling terminal of the current process. forkpty() will fail if either openpty() or fork() fails. SEE ALSO
fork(2) BSD
November 28, 2008 BSD
Man Page