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fmodf(3) [osx man page]

FMOD(3) 						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						   FMOD(3)

fmod -- floating-point remainder function SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> double fmod(double x, double y); long double fmodl(long double x, long double y); float fmodf(float x, float y); DESCRIPTION
The fmod() functions compute the floating-point remainder of x/ y. Specifically, the functions return the value x-i*y, for some integer i such that, if y is non-zero, the result has the same sign as x and magnitude less than the magnitude of y. SPECIAL VALUES
fmod(+-0, y) returns +-0 if y is neither 0 nor NaN. fmod(x, y) returns a NaN and raises the "invalid" floating-point exception for x infinite or y zero. fmod(x, +-infinity) returns x for x not infinite. VECTOR OPERATIONS
If you need to apply the fmod() functions to SIMD vectors or arrays, using the following functions provided by the Accelerate.framework may give significantly better performance: #include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h> vFloat vfmodf(vFloat x, vFloat y); void vvfmodf(float *z, const float *y, const float *x, const int *n); void vvfmod(double *z, const double *y, const double *x, const int *n); SEE ALSO
The fmod() functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:2011. BSD
December 11, 2006 BSD

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REMAINDER(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					      REMAINDER(3)

remainder -- floating-point remainder function SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> double remainder(double x, double y); long double remainderl(long double x, long double y); float remainderf(float x, float y); DESCRIPTION
The remainder() functions compute the value r such that r = x - n*y, where n is the integer nearest the exact value of x/y. If there are two integers closest to x/y, n shall be the even one. If r is zero, it is given the same sign as x. SPECIAL VALUES
remainder(x, y) returns a NaN and raises the "invalid" floating-point exception if x is infinite or y is 0. NOTE
The drem() function is deprecated. Please use the C99 function remainder() instead. VECTOR OPERATIONS
If you need to apply the remainder() functions to SIMD vectors or arrays, using the following functions provided by the Accelerate.framework may give significantly better performance: #include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h> vFloat vremainderf(vFloat x, vFloat y); void vvremainderf(float *z, const float *y, const float *x, const int *n); void vvremainder(double *z, const double *y, const double *x, const int *n); SEE ALSO
The remainder() functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:2011. BSD
July 02, 2008 BSD
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