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file::remove(3) [osx man page]

File::Remove(3) 					User Contributed Perl Documentation					   File::Remove(3)

File::Remove - Remove files and directories SYNOPSIS
use File::Remove 'remove'; # removes (without recursion) several files remove( '*.c', '*.pl' ); # removes (with recursion) several directories remove( 1, qw{directory1 directory2} ); # removes (with recursion) several files and directories remove( 1, qw{file1 file2 directory1 *~} ); # trashes (with support for undeleting later) several files trash( '*~' ); DESCRIPTION
File::Remove::remove removes files and directories. It acts like /bin/rm, for the most part. Although "unlink" can be given a list of files, it will not remove directories; this module remedies that. It also accepts wildcards, * and ?, as arguments for filenames. File::Remove::trash accepts the same arguments as remove, with the addition of an optional, infrequently used "other platforms" hashref. SUBROUTINES
remove Removes files and directories. Directories are removed recursively like in rm -rf if the first argument is a reference to a scalar that evaluates to true. If the first arguemnt is a reference to a scalar then it is used as the value of the recursive flag. By default it's false so only pass 1 to it. In list context it returns a list of files/directories removed, in scalar context it returns the number of files/directories removed. The list/number should match what was passed in if everything went well. rm Just calls remove. It's there for people who get tired of typing remove. clear The "clear" function is a version of "remove" designed for use in test scripts. It takes a list of paths that it will both initially delete during the current test run, and then further flag for deletion at END-time as a convenience for the next test run. trash Removes files and directories, with support for undeleting later. Accepts an optional "other platforms" hashref, passing the remaining arguments to remove. Win32 Requires Win32::FileOp. Installation not actually enforced on Win32 yet, since Win32::FileOp has badly failing dependencies at time of writing. OS X Requires Mac::Glue. Other platforms The first argument to trash() must be a hashref with two keys, 'rmdir' and 'unlink', each referencing a coderef. The coderefs will be called with the filenames that are to be deleted. SUPPORT
Bugs should always be submitted via the CPAN bug tracker <> For other issues, contact the maintainer. AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy <> COPYRIGHT
Some parts copyright 2006 - 2012 Adam Kennedy. Taken over by Adam Kennedy <> to fix the "deep readonly files" bug, and do some package cleaning. Some parts copyright 2004 - 2005 Richard Soderberg. Taken over by Richard Soderberg <> to port it to File::Spec and add tests. Original copyright: 1998 by Gabor Egressy, <>. This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.16.2 2012-03-18 File::Remove(3)

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File::Which(3)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					    File::Which(3)

File::Which - Portable implementation of the `which' utility SYNOPSIS
use File::Which; # exports which() use File::Which qw(which where); # exports which() and where() my $exe_path = which('perldoc'); my @paths = where('perl'); - Or - my @paths = which('perl'); # an array forces search for all of them DESCRIPTION
"File::Which" was created to be able to get the paths to executable programs on systems under which the `which' program wasn't implemented in the shell. "File::Which" searches the directories of the user's "PATH" (as returned by "File::Spec->path()"), looking for executable files having the name specified as a parameter to "which()". Under Win32 systems, which do not have a notion of directly executable files, but uses special extensions such as ".exe" and ".bat" to identify them, "File::Which" takes extra steps to assure that you will find the correct file (so for example, you might be searching for "perl", it'll try perl.exe, perl.bat, etc.) Steps Used on Win32, DOS, OS2 and VMS Windows NT Windows NT has a special environment variable called "PATHEXT", which is used by the shell to look for executable files. Usually, it will contain a list in the form ".EXE;.BAT;.COM;.JS;.VBS" etc. If "File::Which" finds such an environment variable, it parses the list and uses it as the different extensions. Windows 9x and other ancient Win/DOS/OS2 This set of operating systems don't have the "PATHEXT" variable, and usually you will find executable files there with the extensions ".exe", ".bat" and (less likely) ".com". "File::Which" uses this hardcoded list if it's running under Win32 but does not find a "PATHEXT" variable. VMS Same case as Windows 9x: uses ".exe" and ".com" (in that order). Functions which($short_exe_name) Exported by default. $short_exe_name is the name used in the shell to call the program (for example, "perl"). If it finds an executable with the name you specified, "which()" will return the absolute path leading to this executable (for example, /usr/bin/perl or C:PerlBinperl.exe). If it does not find the executable, it returns "undef". If "which()" is called in list context, it will return all the matches. where($short_exe_name) Not exported by default. Same as "which($short_exe_name)" in array context. Same as the `where' utility, will return an array containing all the path names matching $short_exe_name. BUGS AND CAVEATS
Not tested on VMS or MacOS, although there is platform specific code for those. Anyone who haves a second would be very kind to send me a report of how it went. File::Spec adds the current directory to the front of PATH if on Win32, VMS or MacOS. I have no knowledge of those so don't know if the current directory is searced first or not. Could someone please tell me? SUPPORT
Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at <> For other issues, contact the maintainer. AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy <> Per Einar Ellefsen <> Originated in modperl-2.0/lib/Apache/ Changed for use in DocSet (for the mod_perl site) and Win32-awareness by me, with slight modifications by Stas Bekman, then extracted to create "File::Which". Version 0.04 had some significant platform-related changes, taken from the Perl Power Tools `which' implementation by Abigail with enhancements from Peter Prymmer. See <> for more information. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2002 Per Einar Ellefsen. Some parts copyright 2009 Adam Kennedy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO
File::Spec, which(1), Perl Power Tools: <>. perl v5.16.2 2009-09-26 File::Which(3)
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