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dispatch_after_f(3) [osx man page]

dispatch_after(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					 dispatch_after(3)

dispatch_after -- schedule blocks for deferred execution SYNOPSIS
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h> void dispatch_after(dispatch_time_t when, dispatch_queue_t queue, void (^block)(void)); void dispatch_after_f(dispatch_time_t when, dispatch_queue_t queue, void *context, void (*function)(void *)); DESCRIPTION
The dispatch_after() function submits the block to the given queue at the time specified by the when parameter. The when parameter is a value created by dispatch_time() or dispatch_walltime(). For a more detailed description about submitting blocks to queues, see dispatch_async(3). CAVEATS
dispatch_after() retains the passed queue. Specifying DISPATCH_TIME_NOW as the when parameter is supported, but is not as efficient as calling dispatch_async(). The result of passing DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER as the when parameter is undefined. FUNDAMENTALS
The dispatch_after() function is a wrapper around dispatch_after_f(). SEE ALSO
dispatch(3), dispatch_async(3), dispatch_time(3) Darwin May 1, 2009 Darwin

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dispatch_time(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					  dispatch_time(3)

dispatch_time, dispatch_walltime -- Calculate temporal milestones SYNOPSIS
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h> static const dispatch_time_t DISPATCH_TIME_NOW = 0ull; static const dispatch_time_t DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER = ~0ull; dispatch_time_t dispatch_time(dispatch_time_t base, int64_t offset); dispatch_time_t dispatch_walltime(struct timespec *base, int64_t offset); DESCRIPTION
The dispatch_time() and dispatch_walltime() functions provide a simple mechanism for expressing temporal milestones for use with dispatch functions that need timeouts or operate on a schedule. The dispatch_time_t type is a semi-opaque integer, with only the special values DISPATCH_TIME_NOW and DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER being externally defined. All other values are represented using an internal format that is not safe for integer arithmetic or comparison. The internal for- mat is subject to change. The dispatch_time() function returns a milestone relative to an existing milestone after adding offset nanoseconds. If the base parameter maps internally to a wall clock, then the returned value is relative to the wall clock. Otherwise, if base is DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, then the current time of the default host clock is used. The dispatch_walltime() function is useful for creating a milestone relative to a fixed point in time using the wall clock, as specified by the optional base parameter. If base is NULL, then the current time of the wall clock is used. EDGE CONDITIONS
The dispatch_time() and dispatch_walltime() functions detect overflow and underflow conditions when applying the offset parameter. Overflow causes DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER to be returned. When base is DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, then the offset parameter is ignored. Underflow causes the smallest representable value to be returned for a given clock. EXAMPLES
Create a milestone two seconds in the future: milestone = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 2 * NSEC_PER_SEC); Create a milestone for use as an infinite timeout: milestone = DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER; Create a milestone on Tuesday, January 19, 2038: struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0x7FFFFFFF; ts.tv_nsec = 0; milestone = dispatch_walltime(&ts, 0); Use a negative delta to create a milestone an hour before the one above: milestone = dispatch_walltime(&ts, -60 * 60 * NSEC_PER_SEC); RETURN VALUE
These functions return an abstract value for use with dispatch_after(), dispatch_group_wait(), dispatch_semaphore_wait(), or dispatch_source_set_timer(). SEE ALSO
dispatch(3), dispatch_after(3), dispatch_group_create(3), dispatch_semaphore_create(3) Darwin May 1, 2009 Darwin
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