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delptype(3) [osx man page]


delptype - delete an element of a ptype_list ORIGIN
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in Paris, France. Web : E-mail : SYNOPSYS
#include "mut.h" ptype_list *delptype(pthead, type) ptype_list *pthead; long type; PARAMETERS
pthead Pointer to a ptype list type The pointer of this type is to be deleted. DESCRIPTION
delptype deletes the element of the ptype_list that has the type type in the list pointed to by pthead. The list consistency is main- tained, and the element put back in the list of free blocks. RETURN VALUE
delptype returns a pointer to the new head of list if a typed pointer used to belong to the list. In most case, it has the value of pthead. If the type doesn't belong to the list, NULL is returned. ERROR
"*** mbk error *** delptype impossible : pthead = NULL" The pointer to the head of list is NULL, and that clear that such a list can't be ran thru. EXAMPLE
#include "mut.h" #include "mph.h" void delete_user(ptfig) phfig_list *ptfig; { phins_list *i; for (i = ptfig->PHINS; i; i = i->NEXT) i->USER = delptype(i->USER, PLACEABOX); } SEE ALSO
mbk(1), ptype(3), addptype(3), getptype(3), freeptype(3). BUG REPORT
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory. We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools. ASIM
/LIP6 October 1, 1997 DELPTYPE(3)

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addptype - create a ptype and add it to a ptype_list ORIGIN
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in Paris, France. Web : E-mail : SYNOPSYS
#include "mut.h" ptype_list *addptype(pthead,type,ptdata) ptype_list *pthead; void *ptdata; long type; PARAMETERS
pthead Pointer to a ptype list type Flag indicating the pointer owner ptdata Generic pointer to any kind of information DESCRIPTION
addptype creates a new ptype element and adds it to the front of the list pointed to by pthead, and becomes itself the list head. The ptype_lists are mosty used to create lists of homogeneous elements in mbk, but also for trees, graphs, and so on. The type argument indicates the pointer type, at the C type meaning, for its owner. The types allow to access the pointers with adequat cast, and for example to share informations in the USER fields of mbk structures. The ptdata points to any kind of list or may itself be a value, if proper cast is performed at compilation time, and fills the DATA field of the ptype structure. For details on the structure, see ptype(3). RETURN VALUE
addptype returns a pointer to the new head of list. EXAMPLE
#include "mut.h" #include "mph.h" void corner(ptfig, name) phfig_list *ptfig; char *name; { phins_list *i = getphins(ptfig, name); num_list *ptnum; phfig_list *model; model = getphfig(i->FIGNAME); ptnum = addnum((num_list *)NULL, model->X2 - model->X1); ptnum = addnum(ptnum, model->Y2 - model->Y1); i->USER = addptype(i->USER, (long)PLACEABOX, (void *)ptnum); } SEE ALSO
mbk(1), ptype(3), freeptype(3), getptype(3), delptype(3). BUG REPORT
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory. We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools. ASIM
/LIP6 October 1, 1997 ADDPTYPE(3)
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