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dbix::class::sqlmaker::oraclejoins(3) [osx man page]

DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins(3)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		     DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins(3)

DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins - Pre-ANSI Joins-via-Where-Clause Syntax PURPOSE
This module is used with Oracle < 9.0 due to lack of support for standard ANSI join syntax. SYNOPSIS
Not intended for use directly; used as the sql_maker_class for schemas and components. DESCRIPTION
Implements pre-ANSI joins specified in the where clause. Instead of: SELECT x FROM y JOIN z ON = It will write: SELECT x FROM y, z WHERE = It should properly support left joins, and right joins. Full outer joins are not possible due to the fact that Oracle requires the entire query be written to union the results of a left and right join, and by the time this module is called to create the where query and table definition part of the sql query, it's already too late. METHODS
select Overrides DBIx::Class::SQLMaker's select() method, which calls _oracle_joins() to modify the column and table list before calling next::method(). BUGS
Does not support full outer joins (however neither really does DBIC itself) SEE ALSO
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Oracle::WhereJoins - Storage class using this DBIx::Class::SQLMaker - Parent module DBIx::Class - Duh AUTHOR
Justin Wheeler "<>" CONTRIBUTORS
David Jack Olrik "<>" LICENSE
This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.16.2 2012-08-16 DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins(3)

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DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins(3pm) 		User Contributed Perl Documentation		   DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins(3pm)

DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins - Pre-ANSI Joins-via-Where-Clause Syntax PURPOSE
This module is used with Oracle < 9.0 due to lack of support for standard ANSI join syntax. SYNOPSIS
Not intended for use directly; used as the sql_maker_class for schemas and components. DESCRIPTION
Implements pre-ANSI joins specified in the where clause. Instead of: SELECT x FROM y JOIN z ON = It will write: SELECT x FROM y, z WHERE = It should properly support left joins, and right joins. Full outer joins are not possible due to the fact that Oracle requires the entire query be written to union the results of a left and right join, and by the time this module is called to create the where query and table definition part of the sql query, it's already too late. METHODS
select Overrides DBIx::Class::SQLMaker's select() method, which calls _oracle_joins() to modify the column and table list before calling next::method(). BUGS
Does not support full outer joins (however neither really does DBIC itself) SEE ALSO
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Oracle::WhereJoins - Storage class using this DBIx::Class::SQLMaker - Parent module DBIx::Class - Duh AUTHOR
Justin Wheeler "<>" CONTRIBUTORS
David Jack Olrik "<>" LICENSE
This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2011-11-29 DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::OracleJoins(3pm)
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