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datetime::infinite(3) [osx man page]

DateTime::Infinite(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     DateTime::Infinite(3)

DateTime::Infinite - Infinite past and future DateTime objects VERSION
version 0.77 SYNOPSIS
my $future = DateTime::Infinite::Future->new(); my $past = DateTime::Infinite::Past->new(); DESCRIPTION
This module provides two subclasses, "DateTime::Infinite::Future" and "DateTime::Infinite::Past". The objects are in the "floating" timezone, and this cannot be changed. BUGS
There seem to be lots of problems when dealing with infinite numbers on Win32. This may be a problem with this code, Perl, or Win32's IEEE math implementation. Either way, the module may not be well-behaved on Win32 operating systems. METHODS
The only constructor for these two classes is the "new()" method, as shown in the SYNOPSIS. This method takes no parameters. All "get" methods in this module simply return infinity, positive or negative. If the method is expected to return a string, it return the string representation of positive or negative infinity used by your system. For example, on my system calling "year()" returns a number which when printed appears either "inf" or "-inf". The object is not mutable, so the "set()", "set_time_zone()", and "truncate()" methods are all do-nothing methods that simply return the object they are called with. Obviously, the "is_finite()" method returns false and the "is_infinite()" method returns true. SEE ALSO mailing list AUTHOR
This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Dave Rolsky. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) perl v5.16.2 2013-08-25 DateTime::Infinite(3)

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Set::Infinite::_recurrence(3pm) 			User Contributed Perl Documentation			   Set::Infinite::_recurrence(3pm)

Set::Infinite::_recurrence - Extends Set::Infinite with recurrence functions SYNOPSIS
$recurrence = $base_set->_recurrence ( &next, &previous ); DESCRIPTION
This is an internal class used by the DateTime::Set module. The API is subject to change. It provides all functionality provided by Set::Infinite, plus the ability to define recurrences with arbitrary objects, such as dates. METHODS
o _recurrence ( &next, &previous ) Creates a recurrence set. The set is defined inside a 'base set'. $recurrence = $base_set->_recurrence ( &next, &previous ); The recurrence functions take one argument, and return the 'next' or the 'previous' occurence. Example: defines the set of all 'integer numbers': use strict; use Set::Infinite::_recurrence; use POSIX qw(floor); # define the recurrence span my $forever = Set::Infinite::_recurrence->new( Set::Infinite::_recurrence::NEG_INFINITY, Set::Infinite::_recurrence::INFINITY ); my $recurrence = $forever->_recurrence( sub { # next floor( $_[0] + 1 ) }, sub { # previous my $tmp = floor( $_[0] ); $tmp < $_[0] ? $tmp : $_[0] - 1 }, ); print "sample recurrence ", $recurrence->intersection( -5, 5 ), " "; # sample recurrence -5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5 { my $x = 234.567; print "next occurence after $x = ", $recurrence->{param}[0]->( $x ), " "; # 235 print "previous occurence before $x = ", $recurrence->{param}[2]->( $x ), " "; # 234 } { my $x = 234; print "next occurence after $x = ", $recurrence->{param}[0]->( $x ), " "; # 235 print "previous occurence before $x = ", $recurrence->{param}[2]->( $x ), " "; # 233 } o is_forever Returns true if the set is a single span, ranging from -Infinity to Infinity. o _is_recurrence Returns true if the set is an unbounded recurrence, ranging from -Infinity to Infinity. CONSTANTS
o INFINITY The "Infinity" value. o NEG_INFINITY The "-Infinity" value. SUPPORT
Support is offered through the "" mailing list. Please report bugs using AUTHOR
Flavio Soibelmann Glock <> The recurrence generation algorithm is based on an idea from Dave Rolsky. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2003 Flavio Soibelmann Glock. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. SEE ALSO
Set::Infinite DateTime::Set For details on the Perl DateTime Suite project please see <>. perl v5.12.4 2011-08-22 Set::Infinite::_recurrence(3pm)
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