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curl_easy_escape(3) [osx man page]

curl_easy_escape(3)						  libcurl Manual					       curl_easy_escape(3)

curl_easy_escape - URL encodes the given string SYNOPSIS
#include <curl/curl.h> char *curl_easy_escape( CURL *curl, char *url, int length ); DESCRIPTION
This function converts the given input string to an URL encoded string and returns that as a new allocated string. All input characters that are not a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-', '.', '_' or '~' are converted to their "URL escaped" version (%NN where NN is a two-digit hexadecimal num- ber). If the length argument is set to 0 (zero), curl_easy_escape(3) uses strlen() on the input url to find out the size. You must curl_free(3) the returned string when you're done with it. AVAILABILITY
Added in 7.15.4 and replaces the old curl_escape(3) function. RETURN VALUE
A pointer to a zero terminated string or NULL if it failed. SEE ALSO
curl_easy_unescape(3), curl_free(3), RFC2396 libcurl 7.15.4 7 April 2006 curl_easy_escape(3)

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curl_easy_unescape(3)						  libcurl Manual					     curl_easy_unescape(3)

curl_easy_unescape - URL decodes the given string SYNOPSIS
#include <curl/curl.h> char *curl_easy_unescape( CURL *curl, char *url, int inlength , int *outlength ); DESCRIPTION
This function converts the given URL encoded input string to a "plain string" and returns that in an allocated memory area. All input char- acters that are URL encoded (%XX where XX is a two-digit hexadecimal number) are converted to their binary versions. If the length argument is set to 0 (zero), curl_easy_unescape(3) will use strlen() on the input url string to find out the size. If outlength is non-NULL, the function will write the length of the returned string in the integer it points to. This allows an escaped string containing %00 to still get used properly after unescaping. You must curl_free(3) the returned string when you're done with it. AVAILABILITY
Added in 7.15.4 and replaces the old curl_unescape(3) function. RETURN VALUE
A pointer to a zero terminated string or NULL if it failed. SEE ALSO
curl_easy_escape(3), curl_free(3), RFC 2396 libcurl 7.15.4 7 April 2006 curl_easy_unescape(3)
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