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ctype(3) [osx man page]

CTYPE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						  CTYPE(3)

digittoint, isalnum, isalpha, isascii, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, ishexnumber, isideogram, islower, isnumber, isphonogram, isprint, ispunct, isrune, isspace, isspecial, isupper, isxdigit, toascii, tolower, toupper -- character classification macros LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <ctype.h> int digittoint(int c); int isalnum(int c); int isalpha(int c); int isascii(int c); int iscntrl(int c); int isdigit(int c); int isgraph(int c); int ishexnumber(int c); int isideogram(int c); int islower(int c); int isnumber(int c); int isphonogram(int c); int isspecial(int c); int isprint(int c); int ispunct(int c); int isrune(int c); int isspace(int c); int isupper(int c); int isxdigit(int c); int toascii(int c); int tolower(int c); int toupper(int c); DESCRIPTION
The above functions perform character tests and conversions on the integer c. They are available as macros, defined in the include file <ctype.h>, or as true functions in the C library. See the specific manual pages for more information. Extended locale versions of these functions are documented in ctype_l(3). See xlocale(3) for more information. SEE ALSO
digittoint(3), isalnum(3), isalpha(3), isascii(3), isblank(3), iscntrl(3), isdigit(3), isgraph(3), isideogram(3), islower(3), isphonogram(3), isprint(3), ispunct(3), isrune(3), isspace(3), isspecial(3), isupper(3), isxdigit(3), toascii(3), tolower(3), toupper(3), wctype(3), ascii(7), ctype_l(3) STANDARDS
These functions, except for digittoint(), isascii(), ishexnumber(), isideogram(), isnumber(), isphonogram(), isrune(), isspecial() and toascii(), conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (``ISO C90''). BSD
March 30, 2004 BSD

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CTYPE_L(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						CTYPE_L(3)

digittoint_l, isalnum_l, isalpha_l, isascii_l, isblank_l, iscntrl_l, isdigit_l, isgraph_l, ishexnumber_l, isideogram_l, islower_l, isnumber_l, isphonogram_l, isprint_l, ispunct_l, isrune_l, isspace_l, isspecial_l, isupper_l, isxdigit_l, tolower_l, toupper_l -- character classification functions LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <ctype.h> int digittoint_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isalnum_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isalpha_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isascii_l(int c, locale_t loc); int iscntrl_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isdigit_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isgraph_l(int c, locale_t loc); int ishexnumber_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isideogram_l(int c, locale_t loc); int islower_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isnumber_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isphonogram_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isspecial_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isprint_l(int c, locale_t loc); int ispunct_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isrune_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isspace_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isupper_l(int c, locale_t loc); int isxdigit_l(int c, locale_t loc); int tolower_l(int c, locale_t loc); int toupper_l(int c, locale_t loc); DESCRIPTION
The above functions perform character tests and conversions on the integer c in the locale loc. They behave in the same way as the versions without the _l suffix, but use the specified locale rather than the global or per-thread locale. <ctype.h>, or as true functions in the C library. See the specific manual pages for more information. SEE ALSO
digittoint(3), isalnum(3), isalpha(3), isascii(3), isblank(3), iscntrl(3), isdigit(3), isgraph(3), isideogram(3), islower(3), isphonogram(3), isprint(3), ispunct(3), isrune(3), isspace(3), isspecial(3), isupper(3), isxdigit(3), tolower(3), toupper(3), wctype(3), xlocale(3) STANDARDS
These functions conform to IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (``POSIX.1''), except for digittoint_l(), isascii_l(), ishexnumber_l(), isideogram_l(), isnumber_l(), isphonogram_l(), isrune_l() and isspecial_l() which are FreeBSD extensions. BSD
March 6, 2012 BSD
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