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conf_modules_unload(3) [osx man page]

CONF_modules_free(3)						      OpenSSL						      CONF_modules_free(3)

CONF_modules_free, CONF_modules_finish, CONF_modules_unload - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/conf.h> void CONF_modules_free(void); void CONF_modules_finish(void); void CONF_modules_unload(int all); DESCRIPTION
CONF_modules_free() closes down and frees up all memory allocated by all configuration modules. CONF_modules_finish() calls each configuration modules finish handler to free up any configuration that module may have performed. CONF_modules_unload() finishes and unloads configuration modules. If all is set to 0 only modules loaded from DSOs will be unloads. If all is 1 all modules, including builtin modules will be unloaded. NOTES
Normally applications will only call CONF_modules_free() at application to tidy up any configuration performed. RETURN VALUE
None of the functions return a value. SEE ALSO
conf(5), OPENSSL_config(3), "CONF_modules_load_file(3), CONF_modules_load_file(3)" HISTORY
CONF_modules_free(), CONF_modules_unload(), and CONF_modules_finish() first appeared in OpenSSL 0.9.7. 0.9.8 2009-04-03 CONF_modules_free(3)

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CONF_modules_free(3)						      OpenSSL						      CONF_modules_free(3)

CONF_modules_free, CONF_modules_finish, CONF_modules_unload - OpenSSL configuration cleanup functions SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/conf.h> void CONF_modules_free(void); void CONF_modules_finish(void); void CONF_modules_unload(int all); DESCRIPTION
CONF_modules_free() closes down and frees up all memory allocated by all configuration modules. CONF_modules_finish() calls each configuration modules finish handler to free up any configuration that module may have performed. CONF_modules_unload() finishes and unloads configuration modules. If all is set to 0 only modules loaded from DSOs will be unloads. If all is 1 all modules, including builtin modules will be unloaded. NOTES
Normally applications will only call CONF_modules_free() at application to tidy up any configuration performed. RETURN VALUE
None of the functions return a value. SEE ALSO
conf(5), OPENSSL_config(3), "CONF_modules_load_file(3), CONF_modules_load_file(3)" HISTORY
CONF_modules_free(), CONF_modules_unload(), and CONF_modules_finish() first appeared in OpenSSL 0.9.7. 50 2013-03-05 CONF_modules_free(3)
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