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ceil(3) [osx man page]

CEIL(3) 						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						   CEIL(3)

ceil -- round to smallest integral value not less than x SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> double ceil(double x); long double ceill(long double x); float ceilf(float x); DESCRIPTION
The ceil() functions return the smallest integral value greater than or equal to x. SPECIAL VALUES
ceil(+-0) returns +-0. ceil(+-infinity) returns +-infinity. VECTOR OPERATIONS
If you need to apply the ceil() function to SIMD vectors or arrays, using the following functions provided by the Accelerate.framework may give significantly better performance: #include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h> vFloat vceilf(vFloat x); void vvceilf(float *y, const float *x, const int *n); void vvceil(double *y, const double *x, const int *n); SEE ALSO
floor(3), round(3), trunc(3), math(3) STANDARDS
The ceil() functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:2011. BSD
December 11, 2006 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

COS(3)							   BSD Library Functions Manual 						    COS(3)

cos -- cosine function SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> double cos(double x); long double cosl(long double x); float cosf(float x); DESCRIPTION
The cos() function computes the cosine of x (measured in radians). SPECIAL VALUES
cos(+-0) returns 1. cos(+-infinity) returns a NaN and raises the "invalid" floating-point exception. VECTOR OPERATIONS
If you need to apply the cos() function to SIMD vectors or arrays, using the following functions provided by the Accelerate.framework may give significantly better performance: #include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h> vFloat vcosf(vFloat x); vFloat vsincosf(vFloat x, vFloat *c); void vvcosf(float *y, const float *x, const int *n); void vvcos(double *y, const double *x, const int *n); void vvsincosf(float *s, float *c, const float *x, const int *n); void vvsincos(double *s, double *c, const double *x, const int *n); SEE ALSO
sin(3), tan(3), asin(3), acos(3), atan(3), atan2(3), sinh(3), cosh(3), tanh(3), math(3) STANDARDS
The cos() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:2011. BSD
December 11, 2006 BSD
Man Page

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math.h: float ceilf(float x)

Good morning, I'm testing the use of ceilf: /*Filename: str.c*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main (void) { float ceilf(float x); int dev=3, result=0; float tmp = 3.444f; printf("Result: %f\n",ceilf(tmp)); return 0; } (1 Reply)
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2. Shell Programming and Scripting

How to get the ceiling value for floating numbers?

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CEILING and FLOOR functions

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