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apr::sockaddr(3) [osx man page]

apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR:UserkContributed Perl apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR::SockAddr(3)

APR::SockAddr - Perl API for APR socket address structure Synopsis use APR::SockAddr (); my $ip = $sock_addr->ip_get; my $port = $sock_addr->port; Description "APR::SockAddr" provides an access to a socket address structure fields. Normally you'd get a socket address object, by calling: use Apache2::Connection (); my $remote_sock_addr = $c->remote_addr; my $local_sock_addr = $c->remote_local; API
"APR::SockAddr" provides the following functions and/or methods: "ip_get" Get the IP address of the socket $ip = $sock_addr->ip_get(); obj: $sock_addr ( "APR::SockAddr object" ) ret: $ip ( string ) since: 2.0.00 If you are familiar with how perl's "Socket" works: use Socket 'sockaddr_in'; my ($serverport, $serverip) = sockaddr_in(getpeername($local_sock)); my ($remoteport, $remoteip) = sockaddr_in(getpeername($remote_sock)); in apr-speak that'd be written as: use APR::SockAddr (); use Apache2::Connection (); my $serverport = $c->local_addr->port; my $serverip = $c->local_addr->ip_get; my $remoteport = $c->remote_addr->port; my $remoteip = $c->remote_addr->ip_get; "port" Get the IP address of the socket $port = $sock_addr->port(); obj: $sock_addr ( "APR::SockAddr object" ) ret: $port ( integer ) since: 2.0.00 Example: see "ip_get()" Unsupported API "APR::SockAddr" also provides auto-generated Perl interface for a few other methods which aren't tested at the moment and therefore their API is a subject to change. These methods will be finalized later as a need arises. If you want to rely on any of the following methods please contact the the mod_perl development mailing list so we can help each other take the steps necessary to shift the method to an officially supported API. "equal" META: Autogenerated - needs to be reviewed/completed See if the IP addresses in two APR socket addresses are equivalent. Appropriate logic is present for comparing IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses with IPv4 addresses. $ret = $addr1->equal($addr2); obj: $addr1 ( "APR::SockAddr object" ) One of the APR socket addresses. arg1: $addr2 ( "APR::SockAddr object" ) The other APR socket address. ret: $ret ( integer ) since: subject to change The return value will be non-zero if the addresses are equivalent. See Also mod_perl 2.0 documentation. Copyright mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. Authors The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors. perl v5.16.2 2011-02-07apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR::SockAddr(3)

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apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR:UserkContributed Peapache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR::BucketAlloc(3)

APR::BucketAlloc - Perl API for Bucket Allocation Synopsis use APR::BucketAlloc (); $ba = APR::BucketAlloc->new($pool); $ba->destroy; Description "APR::BucketAlloc" is used for bucket allocation. "new" Create an "APR::BucketAlloc" object: $ba = APR::BucketAlloc->new($pool); class: "APR::BucketAlloc" arg1: $pool ( "APR::Pool object" ) The pool used to create this object. ret: $ba ( "APR::BucketAlloc object" ) The new object. since: 2.0.00 This bucket allocation list (freelist) is used to create new buckets (via "APR::Bucket->new") and bucket brigades (via "APR::Brigade->new"). You only need to use this method if you aren't running under httpd. If you are running under mod_perl, you already have a bucket allocation available via "$c->bucket_alloc" and "$bb->bucket_alloc". Example: use APR::BucketAlloc (); use APR::Pool (); my $ba = APR::BucketAlloc->(APR::Pool->pool); my $eos_b = APR::Bucket::eos_create($ba); "destroy" Destroy an "APR::BucketAlloc object": $ba->destroy; arg1: $ba ( "APR::BucketAlloc object" ) The freelist to destroy. ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 Once destroyed this object may not be used again. You need to destroy $ba only if you have created it via "APR::BucketAlloc->new". If you try to destroy an allocation not created by this method, you will get a segmentation fault. Moreover normally it is not necessary to destroy allocators, since the pool which created them will destroy them during that pool's cleanup phase. See Also mod_perl 2.0 documentation. Copyright mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. Authors The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors. perl v5.16.2 2011-02apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR::BucketAlloc(3)
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