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apr::os(3) [osx man page]

apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR:User3Contributed Perl Documeapache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR::OS(3)

APR::OS - Perl API for Platform-specific APR API Synopsis use APR::OS (); # get current thread id my $tid = APR::OS::current_thread_id(); Description "APR::OS" provides the Perl interface to platform-specific APR API. You should be extremely careful when relying on any of the API provided by this module, since they are no portable. So if you use those you application will be non-portable as well. API
"APR::OS" provides the following methods: "current_thread_id" Get the current thread ID $tid = APR::OS::current_thread_id(); ret: $tid ( integer ) under threaded MPMs returns the current thread ID, otherwise 0. since: 2.0.00 Example: use Apache2::MPM (); use APR::OS (); if (Apache2::MPM->is_threaded) { my $tid_obj = APR::OS::current_thread_id(); print "TID: $tid"; } else { print "PID: $$"; } See Also mod_perl 2.0 documentation. Copyright mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. Authors The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors. perl v5.16.2 2011-02-07 apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR::OS(3)

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apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR:UserkContributed Peapache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR::BucketAlloc(3)

APR::BucketAlloc - Perl API for Bucket Allocation Synopsis use APR::BucketAlloc (); $ba = APR::BucketAlloc->new($pool); $ba->destroy; Description "APR::BucketAlloc" is used for bucket allocation. "new" Create an "APR::BucketAlloc" object: $ba = APR::BucketAlloc->new($pool); class: "APR::BucketAlloc" arg1: $pool ( "APR::Pool object" ) The pool used to create this object. ret: $ba ( "APR::BucketAlloc object" ) The new object. since: 2.0.00 This bucket allocation list (freelist) is used to create new buckets (via "APR::Bucket->new") and bucket brigades (via "APR::Brigade->new"). You only need to use this method if you aren't running under httpd. If you are running under mod_perl, you already have a bucket allocation available via "$c->bucket_alloc" and "$bb->bucket_alloc". Example: use APR::BucketAlloc (); use APR::Pool (); my $ba = APR::BucketAlloc->(APR::Pool->pool); my $eos_b = APR::Bucket::eos_create($ba); "destroy" Destroy an "APR::BucketAlloc object": $ba->destroy; arg1: $ba ( "APR::BucketAlloc object" ) The freelist to destroy. ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 Once destroyed this object may not be used again. You need to destroy $ba only if you have created it via "APR::BucketAlloc->new". If you try to destroy an allocation not created by this method, you will get a segmentation fault. Moreover normally it is not necessary to destroy allocators, since the pool which created them will destroy them during that pool's cleanup phase. See Also mod_perl 2.0 documentation. Copyright mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. Authors The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors. perl v5.16.2 2011-02apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::APR::BucketAlloc(3)
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