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apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::ApacUser:Contributed Perl apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::Apache2::Util(3)

Apache2::Util - Perl API for Misc Apache Utility functions Synopsis use Apache2::Util (); # OS escape path $escaped_path = Apache2::Util::escape_path($path, "a 'long' file.html"); # format time as a string my $fmt = "%a, %D %H:%M:%S %Z"; $fmtdate = Apache2::Util::ht_time($r->pool, $r->request_time, $fmt, 0); Description Various Apache utilities that don't fit into any other group. Functions API "Apache2::Util" provides the following functions and/or methods: "escape_path" convert an OS path to a URL in an OS dependant way. $escaped_path = Apache2::Util::escape_path($path, $p); $escaped_path = Apache2::Util::escape_path($path, $p, $partial); arg1: $path ( string ) The path to convert arg2: $p ( "APR::Pool" ) The pool to allocate from opt arg3: $partial ( boolean ) if TRUE, assume that the path will be appended to something with a '/' in it (and thus does not prefix "./") if FALSE it prepends "./" unless $path contains ":" optionally followed by "/". the default is TRUE ret: $escaped_path ( string ) The escaped path since: 2.0.00 "ht_time" Convert time from an integer value into a string in a specified format $time_str = Apache2::Util::ht_time($p); $time_str = Apache2::Util::ht_time($p, $time); $time_str = Apache2::Util::ht_time($p, $time, $fmt); $time_str = Apache2::Util::ht_time($p, $time, $fmt, $gmt); arg1: $p ( "APR::Pool object" ) The pool to allocate memory from opt arg2: $time ( number ) The time to convert (e.g., "time()" or "$r->request_time"). If the value is not passed the current time will be used. opt arg3: $fmt ( string ) The format to use for the conversion, using strftime(3) tokens. If the value is not passed the default format used is: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z" opt arg4: $gmt ( boolean ) The time will be not converted to GMT if FALSE is passed. If the value is not passed TRUE (do convert) is used as a default. ret: $time_str (string) The string that represents the specified time since: 2.0.00 Examples: Use current time, the default format and convert to GMT: $fmtdate = Apache2::Util::ht_time($r->pool); Use my time, the default format and convert to GMT: my $time = time+100; $fmtdate = Apache2::Util::ht_time($r->pool, $time); Use the time the request has started, custom format and don't convert to GMT: my $fmt = "%a, %D %H:%M:%S %Z"; $fmtdate = Apache2::Util::ht_time($r->pool, $r->request_time, $fmt, 0); See Also mod_perl 2.0 documentation. Copyright mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. Authors The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors. perl v5.16.2 2011-02-07apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::Apache2::Util(3)

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apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::ApacUser:Contributed Peapache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::Apache2::Process(3)

Apache2::Process - Perl API for Apache process record Synopsis use Apache2::Process (); use Apache2::ServerRec (); my $proc = $s->process; # global pool cleared on exit my $global_pool = $proc->pool; # configuration pool cleared on restart my $pconf = $proc->pconf; # short program name (e.g. httpd) my $proc_name = $proc->short_name; Description "Apache2::Process" provides the API for the Apache process object, which you can retrieve with "$s->process": use Apache2::ServerRec (); $proc = $s->process; API
"Apache2::Process" provides the following functions and/or methods: "pconf" Get configuration pool object. $p = $proc->pconf(); obj: $proc ( "Apache2::Process object" ) ret: $p ( "APR::Pool object" ) since: 2.0.00 This pool object gets cleared on server restart. "pool" Get the global pool object. $p = $proc->pool(); obj: $proc ( "Apache2::Process object" ) ret: $p ( "APR::Pool object" ) since: 2.0.00 This pool object gets cleared only on (normal) server exit "short_name" The name of the program used to execute the program $short_name = $proc->short_name(); obj: $proc ( "Apache2::Process object" ) ret: $short_name (string) e.g. "httpd" since: 2.0.00 See Also mod_perl 2.0 documentation. Copyright mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. Authors The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors. perl v5.16.2 2011-02apache_mod_perl-108~358::mod_perl-2.0.7::docs::api::Apache2::Process(3)
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