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reboot(2) [osx man page]

REBOOT(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual							 REBOOT(2)

reboot -- reboot system or halt processor SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> #include <sys/reboot.h> int reboot(int howto); DESCRIPTION
Reboot() reboots the system. Only the super-user may reboot a machine on demand. However, a reboot may be invoked automatically in the event of unrecoverable system failures. Programs other than reboot(8) should not call reboot(). Shutdown(8) or a higher-level API will shut the system down cleanly. Howto is a mask of options; the system call interface allows the following options, defined in the include file <sys/reboot.h>, to be passed to the new kernel or the new bootstrap and init programs. RB_AUTOBOOT The default, causing the system to reboot in its usual fashion. RB_ASKNAME Interpreted by the bootstrap program itself, causing it to prompt on the console as to what file should be booted. Normally, the system is booted from the file ``xx(0,0)bsd'', where xx is the default disk name, without prompting for the file name. RB_DFLTROOT Use the compiled in root device. Normally, the system uses the device from which it was booted as the root device if possible. (The default behavior is dependent on the ability of the bootstrap program to determine the drive from which it was loaded, which is not possible on all systems.) RB_DUMP Dump kernel memory before rebooting; see savecore(8) for more information. RB_HALT the processor is simply halted; no reboot takes place. This option should be used with caution. RB_INITNAME An option allowing the specification of an init program (see init(8)) other than /sbin/init to be run when the system reboots. This switch is not currently available. RB_KDB Load the symbol table and enable a built-in debugger in the system. This option will have no useful function if the kernel is not configured for debugging. Several other options have different meaning if combined with this option, although their use may not be possible via the reboot() call. See kadb(4) for more information. RB_NOSYNC Normally, the disks are sync'd (see sync(8)) before the processor is halted or rebooted. This option may be useful if file system changes have been made manually or if the processor is on fire. RB_RDONLY Initially mount the root file system read-only. This is currently the default, and this option has been deprecated. RB_SINGLE Normally, the reboot procedure involves an automatic disk consistency check and then multi-user operations. RB_SINGLE prevents this, booting the system with a single-user shell on the console. RB_SINGLE is actually interpreted by the init(8) program in the newly booted system. When no options are given (i.e., RB_AUTOBOOT is used), the system is rebooted from file ``bsd'' in the root file system of unit 0 of a disk chosen in a processor specific way. An automatic consistency check of the disks is normally performed (see fsck(8)). RETURN VALUES
If successful, this call never returns. Otherwise, a -1 is returned and an error is returned in the global variable errno. ERRORS
[EPERM] The caller is not the super-user. SEE ALSO
shutdown(8), halt(8), launchd(8), reboot(8) BUGS
The HP300 implementation supports neither RB_DFLTROOT nor RB_KDB. HISTORY
The reboot() function call appeared in 4.0BSD. 4th Berkeley Distribution June 4, 1993 4th Berkeley Distribution

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REBOOT(2)							System Calls Manual							 REBOOT(2)

reboot - reboot system or halt processor SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/reboot.h> reboot(howto) int howto; DESCRIPTION
Reboot reboots the system, and is invoked automatically in the event of unrecoverable system failures. Howto is a mask of options passed to the bootstrap program. The system call interface permits only RB_HALT or RB_AUTOBOOT to be passed to the reboot program; the other flags are used in scripts stored on the console storage media, or used in manual bootstrap procedures. When none of these options (e.g. RB_AUTOBOOT) is given, the system is rebooted from file "vmunix" in the root file system of unit 0 of a disk chosen in a processor specific way. An automatic consistency check of the disks is then normally performed. The bits of howto are: RB_HALT the processor is simply halted; no reboot takes place. RB_HALT should be used with caution. RB_ASKNAME Interpreted by the bootstrap program itself, causing it to inquire as to what file should be booted. Normally, the system is booted from the file "xx(0,0)vmunix" without asking. RB_SINGLE Normally, the reboot procedure involves an automatic disk consistency check and then multi-user operations. RB_SINGLE prevents the consistency check, rather simply booting the system with a single-user shell on the console. RB_SINGLE is interpreted by the init(8) program in the newly booted system. This switch is not available from the system call interface. Only the super-user may reboot a machine. RETURN VALUES
If successful, this call never returns. Otherwise, a -1 is returned and an error is returned in the global variable errno. ERRORS
[EPERM] The caller is not the super-user. SEE ALSO
crash(8), halt(8), init(8), reboot(8) BUGS
The notion of ``console medium'', among other things, is specific to the VAX. 4th Berkeley Distribution May 9, 1985 REBOOT(2)
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