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nanosleep(2) [osx man page]

NANOSLEEP(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual						      NANOSLEEP(2)

nanosleep -- suspend thread execution for an interval measured in nanoseconds LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <time.h> int nanosleep(const struct timespec *rqtp, struct timespec *rmtp); DESCRIPTION
The nanosleep() function causes the calling thread to sleep for the amount of time specified in rqtp (the actual time slept may be longer, due to system latencies and possible limitations in the timer resolution of the hardware). An unmasked signal will cause nanosleep() to ter- minate the sleep early, regardless of the SA_RESTART value on the interrupting signal. RETURN VALUES
If nanosleep() returns because the requested time has elapsed, the value returned will be zero. If nanosleep() returns due to the delivery of a signal, the value returned will be the -1, and the global variable errno will be set to indi- cate the interruption. If rmtp is non-NULL, the timespec structure it references is updated to contain the unslept amount (the request time minus the time actually slept). ERRORS
The nanosleep() call fails if: [EINTR] nanosleep() was interrupted by the delivery of a signal. [EINVAL] rqtp specified a nanosecond value less than zero or greater than or equal to 1000 million. SEE ALSO
sigsuspend(2), sleep(3) STANDARDS
The nanosleep() function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (``POSIX.1''). BSD
April 17, 1997 BSD

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NANOSLEEP(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual						      NANOSLEEP(2)

nanosleep -- suspend process execution for an interval measured in nanoseconds LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <time.h> int nanosleep(const struct timespec *rqtp, struct timespec *rmtp); DESCRIPTION
The nanosleep() system call causes the calling thread to sleep until the time interval specified by rqtp has elapsed. An unmasked signal will cause it to terminate the sleep early, regardless of the SA_RESTART value on the interrupting signal. RETURN VALUES
If the nanosleep() system call returns because the requested time has elapsed, the value returned will be zero. If the nanosleep() system call returns due to the delivery of a signal, the value returned will be -1, and the global variable errno will be set to indicate the interruption. If rmtp is non-NULL, the timespec structure it references is updated to contain the unslept amount (the request time minus the time actually slept). ERRORS
The nanosleep() system call fails if: [EFAULT] Either rqtp or rmtp points to memory that is not a valid part of the process address space. [EINTR] The nanosleep() system call was interrupted by the delivery of a signal. [EINVAL] The rqtp argument specified a nanosecond value less than zero or greater than or equal to 1000 million. [ENOSYS] The nanosleep() system call is not supported by this implementation. SEE ALSO
sigsuspend(2), sleep(3) STANDARDS
The nanosleep() system call conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (``POSIX.1''). BSD
April 17, 1997 BSD
Man Page

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1. Programming


Hello, Can anyone, please, guide me on the use of nanosleep. I'm learning threads. I want to introduce a delay (not nested for loops, something more customizable). Nanosleep looked useful (or any other form of customizable and easy-to-use delay). Sleep is too long. :) (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: ameya
2 Replies

2. Programming

nanosleep returns prematurely, with return value 0

Hi, I have encountered the following problem on Solaris 10: I have a thread that is asleep on nanosleep (set to 24 hours). Something that happens on another thread, causes the nanosleep to exit, even though the time has not elapsed. The returned value is 0 (so it doesn't look like it... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: MeMyself
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3. Programming

Where is nanosleep?

I use nanosleep under solaris10,like follows: #include <pthread.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> struct to_info{ void (*to_fn)(void *); void *to_arg; struct timespec to_wait; }; void *timeout_helper(void *arg){ struct to_info *tip; nanosleep(&tip->to_wait,NULL);... (1 Reply)
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1 Replies

4. Programming

Nanosleep in signal call

Hi @ll :) I have a problem with my code but first a short description: 1. I have one signal call SIGUSR1 2. In the signal I try to use nanosleep and now: When I put kill -SIGUSR1 pid --> sometimes works fine, sometimes returns me an error with ,,Interrupt system call", sometimes I got... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: mattdj
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