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getpid(2) [osx man page]

GETPID(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual							 GETPID(2)

getpid, getppid -- get parent or calling process identification SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> pid_t getpid(void); pid_t getppid(void); DESCRIPTION
Getpid() returns the process ID of the calling process. The ID is guaranteed to be unique and is useful for constructing temporary file names. Getppid() returns the process ID of the parent of the calling process. ERRORS
The getpid() and getppid() functions are always successful, and no return value is reserved to indicate an error. LEGACY SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> The include file <sys/types.h> is necessary. SEE ALSO
gethostid(2), compat(5) STANDARDS
Getpid() and getppid() conform to IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 (``POSIX.1''). 4th Berkeley Distribution June 4, 1993 4th Berkeley Distribution

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getpid(2)							System Calls Manual							 getpid(2)

getpid, getpgrp, getppid - Gets the process ID, process group ID, parent process ID SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> pid_t getpid( void ); pid_t getpgrp( void ); pid_t getppid( void ); Application developers may want to specify an #include statement for <sys/types.h> before the one for <unistd.h> if programs are being developed for multiple platforms. The additional #include statement is not required on Tru64 UNIX systems or by ISO or X/Open standards, but may be required on other vendors' systems that conform to these standards. STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: getpid(), getpgrp(), getppid(): POSIX.1, XPG4, XPG4-UNIX Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. DESCRIPTION
The getpid() function returns the process ID of the calling process. The getpgrp() function returns the process group ID of the calling process. The getppid() function returns the parent process ID of the calling process. When a process is created, its parent process ID is the process ID of its parent process. If a parent process exits, the parent process IDs of its child processes are changed to the process ID of the init program. RELATED INFORMATION
System calls: fork(2), kill(2), setpgid(2), setsid(2), wait(2) Standards: standards(5) delim off getpid(2)
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