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getauid(2) [osx man page]

GETAUID(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual							GETAUID(2)

getauid -- retrieve audit user ID SYNOPSIS
#include <bsm/audit.h> int getauid(au_id_t *auid); DESCRIPTION
The getauid() system call retrieves the active audit user ID for the current process via the au_id_t pointed to by auid. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the value 0 is returned; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The getauid() function will fail if: [EFAULT] A failure occurred while data transferred from the kernel failed. SEE ALSO
audit(2), auditon(2), getaudit(2), getaudit_addr(2), setaudit(2), setaudit_addr(2), setauid(2), libbsm(3) HISTORY
The OpenBSM implementation was created by McAfee Research, the security division of McAfee Inc., under contract to Apple Computer Inc. in 2004. It was subsequently adopted by the TrustedBSD Project as the foundation for the OpenBSM distribution. AUTHORS
This software was created by McAfee Research, the security research division of McAfee, Inc., under contract to Apple Computer Inc. Addi- tional authors include Wayne Salamon, Robert Watson, and SPARTA Inc. The Basic Security Module (BSM) interface to audit records and audit event stream format were defined by Sun Microsystems. This manual page was written by Robert Watson <>. BSD
March 5, 2009 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

SETAUID(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual							SETAUID(2)

setauid -- set audit session ID SYNOPSIS
#include <bsm/audit.h> int setauid(au_id_t *auid); DESCRIPTION
The setauid() system call sets the active audit session ID for the current process from the au_id_t pointed to by auid. This system call requires an appropriate privilege to complete. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the value 0 is returned; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The setauid() function will fail if: [EFAULT] A failure occurred while data transferred to the kernel failed. [EPERM] The process does not have sufficient permission to complete the operation. SEE ALSO
audit(2), auditon(2), getaudit(2), getaudit_addr(2), getauid(2), setaudit(2), setaudit_addr(2), libbsm(3) HISTORY
The OpenBSM implementation was created by McAfee Research, the security division of McAfee Inc., under contract to Apple Computer Inc. in 2004. It was subsequently adopted by the TrustedBSD Project as the foundation for the OpenBSM distribution. AUTHORS
This software was created by McAfee Research, the security research division of McAfee, Inc., under contract to Apple Computer Inc. Addi- tional authors include Wayne Salamon, Robert Watson, and SPARTA Inc. The Basic Security Module (BSM) interface to audit records and audit event stream format were defined by Sun Microsystems. This manual page was written by Robert Watson <>. BSD
April 19, 2005 BSD
Man Page

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