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fddist(1m) [osx man page]

fddist(1m)							   USER COMMANDS							fddist(1m)

fddist - file descriptor usage distributions. Uses DTrace. SYNOPSIS
fddist [-r|-w] DESCRIPTION
This prints distributions for read and write events by file descriptor, by process. This can be used to determine which file descriptor a process is doing the most I/O with. Since this uses DTrace, only users with root privileges can run this command. OPTIONS
-r reads only -w writes only EXAMPLES
Sample both read and write activity, # fddist Sample reads only, # fddist -r FIELDS
EXEC process name PID process ID value file descriptor count number of events BASED ON
/usr/demo/dtrace/lquantize.d DOCUMENTATION
DTrace Guide "Aggregations" chapter ( See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with ver- bose descriptions explaining the output. EXIT
fddist will sample until Ctrl-C is hit. SEE ALSO
dtrace(1M) version 0.70 Jun 08, 2005 fddist(1m)

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bitesize.d(1m)							   USER COMMANDS						    bitesize.d(1m)

bitesize.d - analyse disk I/O size by process. Uses DTrace. SYNOPSIS
bitesize.d DESCRIPTION
This produces a report for the size of disk events caused by processes. These are the disk events sent by the block I/O driver. If applications must use the disks, we generally prefer they do so sequentially with large I/O sizes, or larger "bites". Since this uses DTrace, only users with root privileges can run this command. EXAMPLES
Sample until Ctrl-C is hit then print report, # bitesize.d FIELDS
PID process ID CMD command and argument list value size in bytes count number of I/O operations NOTES
The application may be requesting smaller sized operations, which are being rounded up to the nearest sector size or UFS block size. To analyse what the application is requesting, DTraceToolkit programs such as Proc/fddist may help. DOCUMENTATION
See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with ver- bose descriptions explaining the output. EXIT
bitesize.d will sample until Ctrl-C is hit. AUTHOR
Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia] SEE ALSO
iosnoop(1M), seeksize(1M), dtrace(1M) version 1.00 Jun 15, 2005 bitesize.d(1m)
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